Monday, September 30, 2019

College Course Preference Essay

Months from now, senior high school students will be graduating and will be entering a new chapter of their lives—college life. In line with this, the incoming college freshmen should have decided on what program they should take in college. Unfortunately, senior students nowadays are facing a dilemma on their college course preference. This quandary made the researcher conduct a study regarding the factors that influence seniors’ decision making in their college course preference. Information Technology, Nursing, and Hotel and Room Management are the usual courses that are taken up by many students because of the popularity. Some of them are constrained by their parents’ desire while some based their choice to one’s mental capacity. Some are hindered by their family status and there are those who still pursue their dreams. Some are undecided and end up taking a course which doesn’t fit them. The seniors are loaded with a pile of school works, their theses, and basic accountancy. On weekends, some still find time to spend it with their friends in malls, computer shops, play basketball or just dillydally despite their busy schedule while some make use of these days to study their next lessons or prepare for their incoming thesis defense. These things made them forget that soon, they will be leaving this school and they need to pick a course and find a university or college. They even missed to search for courses and universities they might want to apply to but instead they arrive applying for a course they don’t even like. The researcher desires to help the seniors and the next batches in deciding on what course to take in college by determining the factors that may influence them. The researcher wanted them to have an easier way to make a choice through presenting the respondents options that will determine the factors influencing their college course preference. This may also help the guidance counselor of the school in advising the students who are experiencing dilemma regarding their college course preference.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Macbeth Film Comparison Essay

Compare and contrast the opening scenes of Polanski’s 1971 film version of ‘Macbeth’ with Geoffrey Wright’s 2007 adaptation. Roman Polanski’s and Geoffrey Wright’s adaptations of Shakespeare’s Macbeth are filmed in different styles despite being based on the same play. This may be to suit a different audience or convey a different message to one another. Roman Polanski’s 1971 reproduction opens on a wide angle shot of a beach with a sunrise coming up over the horizon. This creates a feeling of morning, and that this is just the start of a storyline. After this, three old, weathered women appear and dig a hole in the sand- allowing a mysterious atmosphere to develop, which leaves the audience wanting to know more. The witches then bury a dagger encased in a severed hand and a hangman’s noose. These items allow the audience to ponder upon the connection of the items. The witches then say their goodbyes and wander off along the beach, the only sound being the squeaking of their cart used to haul the ritual items in. This shot is quite simple, but it creates a feeling of anticipation. Geoffrey Wright’s 2007 adaptation opens in a more 21st century blockbuster style, with attractive young schoolgirls playing the part of the witches who vandalise a graveyard by gouging out the eyes of statues of angels and spraying the eyes of the statues with red spray paint. This is quite an aggressive scene to start with, and sets the pace for the rest of the film. Compared to Polanski’s version, this introduction offers a more up-beat feel, instead of the more sombre style of the 1971 film. The camera then pans round to a close-up of Macbeth’s face whose attention is drawn to the young schoolgirls as they wander past him. He then looks at his wife who is kneeling over their dead son’s grave crying. Again, another close-up, but this time of Lady Macbeth’s face which at this point is not particularly attractive. This could show Macbeth’s desire for a prettier woman in the schoolgirls, and reality- the less attractive sight of his wife; but in the end, no-one knows what he is thinking, just that he is not comforting his wife. Here, the atmosphere is quite tense- lots of things are happening at one time which makes you feel like you are there, in Macbeth’s hectic, confused mind. In relation to Polanski’s film, this film is less mysterious and makes you expect fewer twists because there have been not many so far. The title graphics in Polanski’s film are set in a Roman style font, Seriffed and coloured black. The aged font emphasizes the fact that the film is very traditional. This style of writing is often used in newspaper articles. The 2007 adaptation uses a much more modern, contemporary sans-serif font. The text is coloured red- a recurring theme in this film. In the 1971 version, a wide angle shot of the beach is the start of the film. This wide angle shot is used throughout the first scene to depict the bleak landscape that the film is set in. The wide shot could also be showing us the â€Å"bigger picture†- that there are many little thing that make up the plot of Macbeth, and this is just one little thing on a wide, open beach. Geoffrey Wright’s film does not include many wide- angle shots in the first few scenes. This is most probably because of the action-packed nature of the film. Therefore the camera follows the action intensely- for example following the witches around the graveyard. This gives the audience an adrenalin rush- especially in the action scenes where the audience can perceive themselves to be taking part in the violence. In both films however, close-up shots of the faces of the main characters are shown. In Polanski’s film this is to show mainly emotion- the creepy expressions of the witches, and Macbeth’s blank expression when shown in a close-up. When Macbeth is first shown, invaders are being hung in the background- but Macbeth retains his blank facial expression- suggesting that he has no feelings for those being hung. Geoffrey Wright’s film shows close-ups of the faces of the witches defacing the statues at the graveyards. These shots show the determination that the witches show by their facial expressions to destroy all that has to do with God and heaven in the graveyard. The close-ups of Lady Macbeth’s face show her weakness in her love for her dead child. Polanski’s film uses very weak morning light as a setting for the beach scene. This gives a dull, grey, washed out look to the beach. The beach seems quite uncomfortable, as it is daybreak and there is almost no light and the open beach makes you feel cold inside creating an atmosphere that hints to you that something bad is about to happen. Similarly, the 2007 version seems to be shot in the day, but there is very little light as the graveyard is overcast. Despite this, the graveyard feels more comfortable due to the auburn hair of the witches which seem to emit warmth and light- allowing the audience to feel more relaxed and enjoy the action scene that follows. Polanski’s film opens with the witches burying strange items that all link to death and suffering- a dagger, a noose and a severed hand. Blood (possibly a symbol of murder) is then poured over the items. The witches then spit on either side of themselves, possibly to bind themselves to the witchcraft they are taking part in. the weather at that time is bleak ,and a thunderstorm is brewing- possibly suggesting a little cheaply hat something bad is about to happen. At that point, after the title sequence, the king gallops onto the beach to the sound of trumpets- symbolic of royalty and fame. In Geoffrey Wright’s adaptation, a recurring theme of red is used from the start of the film. This colour represents blood, murder, death, danger, and the underworld. For example, the witches hair is Auburn, suggesting that they pose a mild danger to Macbeth. Also, â€Å"The Cawdor†- the bar which is used as a drugs den, has red wallpaper- suggesting that it is part of the underworld. The witches vandalise a graveyard at the start of the film, showing their hatred towards God and heaven. They gouge out the eyes of the angels- possibly making them blind to what is about to happen. Red spray paint is forcefully sprayed in the eyes of the statues, also making them oblivious to the witchcraft about to take place. Crosses are also defaced- possibly a reference to Macbeth’s worries about his afterlife. After the vandalism, the girls quieten down, possibly showing an ounce of respect seen as though the place they just demolished is a graveyard. Macbeth is dressed in casual attire, but in black, as in the introduction, he is supposed to be mourning his son’s death. Macbeth’s wife also lays down white roses- symbols of love and innocence- ironic as in the end, nobody seems to be innocent! Later on, as Macbeth and his gang chase a drug dealer from the underworld (with the prevailing colour of red), yellow street lights and buildings are shown- this separated the real world from the underworld. This shows the audience that Macbeth’s actions are not within the realms of what a â€Å"normal† person would do, and that in order to carry on with his normal life; he must keep his actions inside the underworld. Music is an important part in setting the scene for a film, and in Roman Polanski’s film, a droning, repetitive, chaos-inducing tune is used which shows the kookiness of the witches. When Macbeth is shown, a drum beat, not dissimilar to that of an army march beat is used. This shows how Macbeth is a soldier and will fight for his king. The King has music played on a trumpet- vey regal and flattering, this shows his position clearly as a monarch. The music played for the different characters is mostly to show who they are in terms of status; and the music is used instead of a lengthy introduction, allowing the audience to apply stereotypes to the different characters via the music and paint a picture in their minds about the character, but on a deeper level than shown on screen. While the title graphics are showing, fighting sounds are played- simulating the sounds of a battlefield. Plus with swords clanging and maces clashing, the audience are allowed to recreate their own battle in their minds without the help of visual hints. The 2007 version uses similarly annoying, grating noises for the witches- but this time using hissing sounds- possibly a link to the devil posing as a snake in the Bible story of Adam and Eve, where the snake fools Eve into eating the Apple, who then fools Adam into also eating the apple- an uncanny resemblance to the tragedy of Macbeth. Instead of showing a blank screen while showing the title credits, Wright preferred to show a gung-ho showdown between Macbeth’s gang and an Asian gang. Here, the music is loud and upbeat in contrast to the hissing beforehand- just like the 1971 version. Possibly in an attempt to entice the audience of the 21st century, Wright uses very violent scenes- such as depicting men being shot with submachine guns by Macbeth. Again- this may have been done to excite the audience; and instead of letting the audience make up the fight in their minds, a graphical representation has been put on a plate for them. This was not done in 1971 due to the social taboos against showing excessively violent scenes in films- a theme that runs right through the 2007 version as nowadays, these types of scenes are generally being seen as more and more acceptable; despite many believing that suggesting is much more powerful than stating- as could be the case in Wright’s version. Roman Polanski’s film shows witches dressed in ragged clothes, unwashed and with no shoes. This allows the audience to see immediately that these women are strange, and not very wealthy. The king on the other hand is shown to wear a fine suit of armour, with a polished helmet- showing his social importance and wealth. Macbeth lies in the middle of the two extremes- not exuberantly poor like the witches- as he wears chainmail and shoes; but not very wealthy and important- as he has no banner or shiny helmet. This simplistic method of categorising people shows the simplistic way in which Polanski is trying to depict the characters and show the audience how Macbeth is lodged between the two extremes of wealth and social status. When Macbeth meets up with his gang for the action sequence, all of his gang are dressed casually in dark clothes. All except the gang’s Consigliere (the Kings son) – who is dressed in a smart black suit with a red tie- again, with reference to the recurring theme of red, this time showing him as royalty, and as having a higher social status than the other gang members. Hair is an important part of first impressions- in Polanski’s film, Macbeth’s hair is not shown in the introduction, and is hidden by a chainmail hood. This could hint at Macbeth being sheltered from evil and guarded due to his hood acting as a â€Å"safety blanket†. The King wears a crown- a symbol of true royalty, and his hair is uncovered- possibly showing that he is weak. Geoffrey Wright’s adaptation also depicts the King as being weaker than the other characters when his hair colour is looked at. The King is shown as having very fair, blonde hair- again being a symbol of innocence and weakness. The witches in Polanski’s film have different hairstyles- two have hoods- like Macbeth’s but made of cloth, and one has dirty, unwashed brown hair. This array of hairstyles allows the audience to realise that the witches are individuals, and are not all identical in the way they behave. On the other hand, the 2007 version shows all of the witches having the same hairstyle and colour- that being red- with connotations to blood and death. This also is trying to show the audience that they are quite aggressive and possibly have links to the devil. Roman Polanski’s film depicts Macbeth with 1970’s style censoring- no explicitly violent or sexual scenes; but traditional â€Å"hints† at what is happening. Wrights’ version is essentially a film from a totally different time period- showing excessive violence to â€Å"help† the modern audience understand what is going on. I think that despite the sometimes cheesy details of the film, Polanski has created a classic that really entices the audience and makes them wonder what is going on when subtle hints are dropped directing the viewer on the right direction in terms of their mental picture of the scene. The 2007 version shows how complacent modern-day audiences have become with violence and nudity in films. I think that this is mostly down to the filmmakers wanting to make the film more exciting- in some ways they have, as the action scenes in the film can be quite gripping. But as a teenager, I think that more needs to be done in order to let my imagination get to work and try to think of what is really happening, and what is the film trying to tell me beyond the gratuitous violence.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Malincho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Malincho - Essay Example Kalin has no capital to start a business but still has the willingness to make it in the commercial world. In Kalin’s case he creates the business from scratch. Opportunity recognition is the next step in the entrepreneur process. Kalin is seen as a person who recognized opportunities that can be used to generate profits. His research shows him that importing fate cheese from his home to sell to his country men would be a great idea. Resources are key factors in entrepreneurship Kalin seeks resources in the most convenient way so as to avoid interests. As seen he tries out a wine guy to see if e could get the resources he need. However, the deal with the wine guy did not succeed. Thereafter he gets the resources from his friends; this is convenient as no extra charges were to be incurred in the repayments. Eventually Kalin is successful in his business idea as he uses Timmons entrepreneur framework model process (Collins, 1998). The business model available for food import business involves; sourcing, primary processing, logistics, risk management and trading and marketing. Sourcing involves building a relationship with stakeholders and farmers and using a network of local Agent agronomists, buyers and other specialist. Primary processing which involves packaging of the product is the next step after sourcing. In this model primary sourcing is followed by logistics. Logistics depends on the products and its urgency therefore, air, inland or marine logistics are used. Risk management department are formed to deal with capturing, assessing and managing risk in all levels of business chain. Last in the business model is trading and marketing this deals with the market. In order for Kalin to position his business for the next phase of early stage growth he should assess his company efficiency, review his financial position, form a business model for the company, conduct a competitor, customer and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nelson Mandela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Nelson Mandela - Essay Example On March 21, 1960, 69 unarmed citizens were murdered by the police as they were peacefully protesting against the pass laws in Sharpeville. This changed the political climate in the country. It resulted in the country’s first state of emergency. The Pan African Congress and the ANC were halted. Thousands of South Africans including Mandela and his friends were detained during the declared state of emergency. Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment for fighting the apartheid. During his trial, he divorced his wife and got married to a Winnie Madikizela. They were blessed with two girls. They later on divorced in 1996. He spent 27 years of his lifetime in jail. He was freed in 1990. Upon his freedom from jail, he continued his fight against racial segregation and inequality. He also fought against the violence that was growing in South Africa. Mandela was honored with the Nobel Prize in 1993. In 1994, South Africa had its first ever democratic and fair election in which every one was given the opportunity to vote. He came out the victor and was the President. In his time as the President, he advocated for reconciliation, peaceful resolution of grievances by the citizens after years of autocratic laws against South Africans. Most people believe that without Mandela’s leadership, South Africa would probably have slipped into a bloody social war. He served until 1999 but refused to go for a second term. On April 27th, South Africa celebrates Freedom Day to signify their first ever democratic election.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Code of Ethics - Essay Example Another ethical consideration involves the right to respect the patient’s wishes in relation their medical condition. This gives them the exclusive rights to make the decision that they want (Potter, 2005). In this situation, there are very many chances that are represented that would greatly hamper the process of arriving at the right decision. It is very difficult for a doctor to make a decision that would harm a patient’s life. This is because the sole duty of the care givers is to ensure that they do all that they can to rectify any situation that would harm the patient. The dilemma comes in when the practises that would increase the patient’s chances of survival are those that the patient is against. It will be very difficult to arrive at the right conclusion. Will it be right to treat Mr. E using all the channels that he did not consent to? It is also very difficult to watch his heath deteriorate. This creates a situation where private patient information i s given to people without the consent of the patient (Ribbens, 2005). It would be unethical for the doctor to put the patient on the ventilator. This is because this is a decision that lies solely with another party. It would be ethical for the brother to make the decision for the patient in respect to the ventilator. ... At the point of his decision making, he is considered as the voice of reason. He is also seen as the bridge between the doctor, their observations and what he has observed as the best possible choice for the patient. Autonomy in nursing is a very essential component. This is because it paves way and room for the nurse to employ all aspects of their acquired knowledge in their profession. The professional practise creates a situation where there should be room for the nurse to critically analyse a situation (Kockrow, 2003). Once they have done so, they are at liberty to make a decision which positively affects the patient. There are instances in the profession where the nurse does not require the ultimate permission to carry out certain practises. In many instances, the autonomy of practise is greatly hampered. This is especially so when issues of ethics are concerned. This practise is also greatly affected by the patient’s ultimate right to make a choice. As described above, a utonomy allows the nurse to make decisions on behalf of the patient. In such cases, the practise is without discretion to the patient or members of his or her family (Ribbens, 2005). Autonomy is greatly affected because it creates room for the nurse not to exercise their right. This is because the patient has his or her rights to stipulate what they want. This is in regard to treatment and other medical procedures. This limits the nurse or practitioner from what they what to do for the patient. In many instances, this is always the right thing (Kockrow, 2003). It is my obligation as the head nurse to report the provision of patient’s information to external sources. This is especially to someone who does not have exclusive rights to access the information or make any

Industrial safety engineering (safety in work enviroment) Term Paper

Industrial safety engineering (safety in work enviroment) - Term Paper Example The government regulations on organizational safety and health (OSHA) demand that organizations maintain health and safety standards to ensure that their employees work in a minimum risk working environment. Failing to comply with these regulations attracts legal penalties that often are consequential to the organization. One of the superior ways of maintaining health and safety within an organization is educating the employees on the need for safety in a working environment and the minimum safety level requirements demanded in the organization. The management should thus be aware of how to induce effective training programs and how to align the employees towards the managerial objectives as far as health and safety is concerned within the work place. In reality, employee training is a key strategy to minimization of accidents, illnesses and death in work environments. Safety and health are two closely related terms yet very distinct in an industrial setting, hence the need to separa te them. Goetsch (2008), an industrial and safety professional, define safety in an organization as the ability to keep the employees away from the accident-causing situations that might cause damage, injury or even kill the employee. For instance, in an engineering firm, engineers have to operate electrically driven machines such as conveyor belts and grinders. When such machines come into contact with human beings, they are likely to cause accidents, some of which may be fatal. As such, it is crucial to safeguard the life of an employee from such machines to avoid unnecessary accidents in an organization. On the other hand, health maintenance refers to the ability to protect employees from disease causing environments. In industrial organizations, say a manufacturing plant, employees are exposed to smoke that may cause lung diseases. In this light, organizations have a core responsibility to avoid accidents and industrial related diseases within the employee population. In the Uni ted States the Organizational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) provides the standards that industrial organizations should comply with. The OSH Act provides that each business organization has a general duty to ensure that their employees are safe and free work environment hazards. Each year, the federal government, through their safety supervisors, conduct random safety inspections to observe whether organization have applied safety programs that comply with the OSHA standards. Over 50, 000 organizations are scrutinized and failure of compliance attracts fines, penalties and even temporary or permanent closure of organizations. One requirement of the OSH Act is that the employees have the â€Å"right-to-know† the health risks and conditions of the organization before they are assigned to their duties (United States Department of Labor, 2013). Resultantly, the act recommends that every organization implement an employee training program to ensure that employees are aware of the d angers that they risk in their working conditions. In essence, the implementing a health and safety training program is a compulsory requirement for every organization. Putting the legal side of organizational health and safety aside, a healthy working environment has many economic benefits to the organization. Burton (2008) points out to the high financial cost that organizations pay for failing to implement standard work environment conditions. First, unhealthy employees are likely to absent from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Issue in Contemporary Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issue in Contemporary Management - Essay Example It is difficult for a small organization to effectively manage, control and coordinate between different diverse organizations. Moreover, statutory power given to LOCOG regarding ownership, compensation, and regulation is temporary. In other words, LOCOG has to give up all the infrastructure facilities developed for the London Olympics after the Olympics which will definitely reduce their revenues after the London Olympics. Infrastructure development opportunities are immense as part of conducting London Olympics. Development of infrastructure to world-class level will change the face of London city. LOCOG will receive a share from international Olympics committee’s broadcasting revenue and also from their own marketing efforts. This revenue can be utilized for the economic development and regeneration. Increased employment opportunity is another advantage of conducting Olympics in London. The public will also get an opportunity to know more about different culture which will help to grow the English culture. It is impossible to conduct Olympics without causing some inconvenience to the public. Some of the local businesses needed to be displaced to develop infrastructure for the London Olympics. This displaced business groups may engage in legal battle with LOCOG. Infrastructure development to world class standards is a major challenge. Ensuring value for money and economic benefits to the cost bearing public is another threat to the LOCOG. The public is lavishly extending their support to the Olympics considering a huge return in terms of economic development and infrastructure development. Failure to fulfil the expectations of the public may create problems for LOCOG in future. Stage management and coordination of events are also not an easy task for LOCOG considering its small structure. Propaganda spreading through media is another threat for this event. Many people are spreading the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Trade Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International Trade Law - Assignment Example The hunting of seals in Canada in the adjoining waters of the Arctic Ocean is believed to have begun in the 16th century. Seal hunting for commercial purposes grew into an important trade in the 1980s decade in Canada. This mainly includes the Inuit group of people, the residents of Atlantic Canada and also North Canada. The United Nations in its Declaration on the â€Å"Rights of Indigenous Peoples† has recognized this seal hunting practice as a means of livelihood for the Canadian residents. According to an estimate in 2005, about 329,829 harp seals were killed by the indigenous people of Atlantic Canada and Quebec. They also produced $ 15.43 million worth of â€Å"exports of identifiable seal products†. The extent and importance of the seal hunting trade in Canada renders it very difficult for the Canadian authorities to pronounce an end to this practice. The European Union bans Seal Products Canada was supposed to attend a summit meeting with the European Union to discuss further prospects of trade between the two countries and open up new markets. On 16 September 2009, the European Parliament and the European Communities declared a Regulation (EC) No. 1007/2009 stating a prohibition in the import and sale of all seal products manufactured from the commercial hunting of seals.... eal hunts carried out in a traditional practice by the Inuits and other indigenous communities and byproducts from similar regulated hunts, would be allowed to trade in the European Union.2 The Canadian Government expressed its disappointment on the development and vowed to take the issue to the World Trade Organization (WTO).3 Canada was of the opinion that in the case the EU imposed a restriction on seal products made out of commercial hunting, the country should be exempted from it since Canada followed strict guidelines to ensure that the seal hunting methods in the country were humane and were sustainable in the long run. The Effects of Such a Regulation According to the European Commission, the trade exchanges between Canada and the European Union are worth around EUR 70 billion or $ 93 billion in a single year. If the Canada and the European Union agreed to expand their bilateral trade, this could generate an additional trade exchange worth EUR 20 billion. However, the EU Regu lation regarding the prohibition of the import and sale of seal related products from commercial hunting, in the EU markets could have serious implications for the bilateral trade between the two countries. Once the Regulation (EC) No. 1007/2009 comes into effect, the value of seal products imported by the EU from Canada will decrease drastically, as then only the seal products made out of legitimate hunting methods will only be permissible to enter the EU market. Therefore, Canada will be compelled to turn to other countries of the world for the export of its seal products, following the decline of the EU as one of its important importers in this trade 4 Canada’s Arguments On 2 November, 2009, Canada expressed its desire to engage in a consultation with the European Communities regarding

Sunday, September 22, 2019

To my unapproachable husband, Don Juan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To my unapproachable husband, Don Juan - Essay Example Can it be that you have deceived me with false promises Looking back on our relationship, I wonder how I could be so innocent as to believe you would always be faithful. I have been told of your transgressions and as much as I want to dismiss the frivolous gossip, I cannot completely do so without your returning to me and putting the lie to these words (33). My servant Gusman has tried to ease my pain but even as he speaks he confirms your infidelity. How could I be so blind to your coldness (33, 41) Why have you left me Why can you not face me and defend yourself Let it be known that I can give you any number of excuses and can place the words on your tongue that would convince me that what I have been told is merely hearsay and not your true actions. I will continue to pursue you and when we meet once more, I would ask you to say the words I wish to hear. I ask only that you explain yourself, that you tell me you adore me and that nothing but death can tear us apart. I need to hear you convince me that urgent business called you away, and nothing less than that would separate us. Please make it known that you will return to me as soon as you can and that you live with the thought of being with me once more. Your honeyed words brought me into our nuptial bed, but now you would seem to be without the language of love, more tongue-tied than smooth in speech (41-42). I must tell you, t I must tell you, though it breaks my heart to say it, that my brothers are on a quest to find you and to kill you (69; Fort & Kates 47)). As heart-sore as I am at your leaving me, I do not wish to see you dead. It is my hope that Gusman can deliver this letter at least to your manservant so that you will be warned of danger. Gusman has told me that my devotion to you might be met with poor return should I find you. He has tried to convince me to stay at home, but I have not chosen to listen. Surely, you would not wrong me in this way. Do the holy bonds of matrimony have no meaning to you-you, to whom the sacred doors of the convent were no barrier (34; Fort & Kates 47). Sganarelle, your loyal servant, has called you a scoundrel. Can that truly be At our last meeting, you neglected to clear my mind of doubt, and it was I who invented a hundred good reasons for your sudden departure. Should you, at the very least, choose to answer this letter, you can swear your heart is unchanged and you still adore me. You can tell me how sad you are that business keeps you from returning home for some time, and if I simply return home quietly, you will follow me as soon as your affairs will allow it. If you cannot face me and say these words, at least in a letter they would soothe my pain. The stories I have heard about your infidelity are difficult to accept, and you could so quickly put my doubts to rest. There is talk of a peasant girl, in fact more than one peasant girl, with whom you have dallied (49; Gethner, para. 9). Tell me it is not so. If you can but convince me of fidelity and love, I will erase all of the accusations I am making against you and will love you forever. I have spoken with your father, and he assures me though you have sinned in the past, you have seen the error of your ways, and it is my strongest desire that since our marriage, you have been loyal to me. With hope for our future.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Submitted Resume and Cover Letter Essay Example for Free

Submitted Resume and Cover Letter Essay Dear Customer: Regarding your kindly submitted resume and cover letter, please review the following suggested empowerments: Selection of a strong font, supplementing this with varying sizes for headings and body, bolding, and bullets. Use a strong letterhead style for the cover letter. Use the maximum effect of white page and dark print contrasts. Add a very strong, empowering Objective that targets the specific career position(s) that you want – one to three specific careers or job titles. Add an Executive Summary. Add a Qualifications section Addition of strong skills statements and strong verbs. Add specific numbers for accomplishments, including estimated dollars saved or increased in sales, percentages of time, number of new products/ processes designed, etc. Add an Educations and Certifications section to include any licenses or certificates or any training courses that are relevant. Add volunteer work if you have performed such. Add a Special Skills section to include computer programs and software known, various equipment, any foreign languages (reading, writing, or fluent), and/or other skills that others candidates applying for these types of jobs you target may not have and which can make you a standout job candidate. Use bullet points and more powerful specific language in the cover letter as a sharp, eye-catching appeal to new employers. Thank you for the opportunity to review your resume and cover letter. Best regards.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pepsi Operations Management Problems

Pepsi Operations Management Problems Operations management is considered as an important division of study equally in the corporate world in addition to in academics. Reference to academics, operations management, is a central part of in the curriculum of management studies. In the other words, it could be seen as the theoretical base that a particular manager or else an executive desires to deal with the issues of the company are taught in the curriculum. The subject; Operations management is again a key part in an organization or business (Sweet, Franklyn H. 1964, pp 89-90). A full-blown department or section of the organization is allocated to take care of this need of the organization or business. Additionally to this, concern is kept that the issues that the organizations face in the subject of operations department or section is resolved at the earliest, as a result that the production and as well as quality of the products that go out of the company does not obstruct the development and image of the organization or business. Operations management studies the internal working and work process of a company. Indeed it could be said that the planning, producing and making of the products of the organization or business is smoothen by a range of processes of the operations department or section of any organization or business (Sweet, Franklyn H. 1964, pp 89-90). The technical aspects of an organization or business are looked after of by the operations management of that organization. Indeed every single one of organizations and firms has operations management officers and full-blown departments to take care of this aspect of the company. Thus, an organization or business tends to take up the marketing strategies that make an important part of the operations management. Scholars and market analysts are already having conducted bundle of studies and researches in operations management field and have established that the principles and theories of operations management and strategies are well-match ed in any organization or business and in any sector (Ackoff, R., Rivett, P. (1963), pp. 45-77). In the 18th century, it could be seen the introduction of the operations management theory. Later on also in the entire of Industrial Revolution, a variety of new theories of operations management and other ideals were used. These ideas allow to a huge increase in the business of organizations or businesses and all at once ensure that the a variety of approaches developed as a part of the operations management theories were utilized by the organization. Out of a lot of sub theories and approaches that were made as part of operations management are; Waltham-Lowell system, Assembly line practice, etc. As well as this, the scientific management and the development of the theories and principles of the operations management systems make certain that these help the organization leads success and flourish (Ackoff and Rivett, 1963). One of such organization found in the United Kingdom that is one of the well known brands in terms of taste and quality and many moreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This organization was suffered huge losses due to miss-management and issues in the operations management section. The company is the renowned beverage maker Pepsi Company. This is a world renowned name in the field of carbonated beverage industries. Pepsi advanced to be one of the most recent kinds of confectioneries (O Sullivan, N., Wong, P. (1991), pp.139-55). Pepsi Company is today identified as one of the most trusted brands, due to the strategic planning and management and marketing strategies that it has been utilizing since long ago. As a result, it could be said that the operations department of Pepsi Company has to play a key role in the establishment of the Pepsi brand as one of the most adamantine names in this sector. On the other hand, even such a well-defined operations department of Pepsi Company was unable to handle the q uality of the Cadbury products (Sweet, Franklyn H. 1964, pp 89-90). There was news in the many of Medias that the Pepsi Cola was contaminated with pesticides. This rumor spread out everywhere in the world like a wildfire. This carelessness by the operations department of Pepsi Company exaggerated the organization in terms of money value and as well as in terms of loss of brand trust and brand name (Peters, T. and Waterman, R. 1982, pp. 12-23). This to be sure came as a distress to the whole nation as nobody has expected that yet the highly trusted brands like Pepsi can have never faced such as issue. All the world was sensitized at this, as this played as a chance for other competitive brands to build solid place in the market and as well as for new brands to panic. Therefore this dilemma of the Pepsi Company and it become more aware of the significant of quality and a better operations management department or section (Sweet, Franklyn H. 1964, pp 89-90). An brief explanation of the process at issue in the Pepsi group and the process map Even though the finding of pesticide residuals in the Pepsi Cola was world news and it was in progress being forbidden in most of the places. All stock of Pepsi Cola was in custody. Those in the factories were stopped from coming out of the company (Sweet, Franklyn H. 1964, pp 89-90). This made question for the already on hand operations management procedures that would be utilized and prominent in the Cola industry. This also insisted on the management of Pepsi Cola to consider of the processes which already existed in the company. As well the quality assurances of the processes in addition to the legitimacy of these processes were under issue and evaluated. Pepsi Cola has at all times levied importance in the maintenance and updating of the quality processes that were already existing in the organization. The quality processes that were being utilized were under strict monitoring and test out. While this problem relating to the quality of Pepsi Cola came up, after that an indicatio n of the process map started taking shape (Chaffee, 1985). The range of processes that already existed in the organization is given below: Manufacturing of soft drink: In the beginning the ingredients necessary for making the soft drink are prepared to be available. These ingredients are consisted with vanilla beans, flavor oils, kola nuts and sweeteners. Strict care was paid that these items are best in the quality and that the water utilized in it are distilled and free of all impurities (Chaffee, 1985). Transferring to the packaging house: subsequent to the soft drink is all set; there are taken to the packaging places in cans (Chaffee, 1985). Special attention is also taken in carrying on these steps, as not any chemicals are mixed with the soft drink. So that the amount of soda in soft drink is not changed. As well as this, the greatest technology is utilized at this stage to make sure that the quality remains unchanged as that are while in manufacturing (Chaffee, 1985). Packaging: This is the third step that also requires best care of maintaining the quality of the soft drink. It is made sure that the sealing of the Pepsi Cola cans are such that they are air tight and there is not any chance of leakage. As well as this, the cartons, caps and the CO2 used to carbonate soft drinks are in the optimum quantity. Special care is put in carbonating the drink as the actual quality if the soft drink depends on the carbonating. Special equipment and tools are brought in use to take out the cans. Pepsi Storage: highest care is also put in the storage of the cans. As it was believed that while under the store, the cans were run over by rats and other small insects. This might be caused a variety of diseases to the people. It is ensure that the cans are packaged properly and machines do the shifting and storing of the cans before they are sent to the retailers and stores (Peters and Waterman, 1982) Analysis of the Problem It is easy to analysis of the problems, if the problems are listed or displayed in such a manner that they can be easily read, then the can be easily studied (Peters and Waterman, 1982). Therefore, high care would be taken that the analysis of the problems is easy. The various measures that require to be taken to solve the problem. This systematic resolving of problems is very important so that the problems are first broken down in to smaller sections so that their root causes can be traced (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Ideas Generation Ideas generation is very important to resolve the problem. As an example, the processes that are to be taken for the modification of the problems are first break down and then the ideas are generated as part of the tea or at personal levels that would help in the resolving of the issues. Such thinking is results in cropping up of excellent and effective ideas so that the problems are addressed in a improved way and the root causes of the problems are identified. Ideas testing Generation of ideas in important but the process does not end there. After the listing and jotting down of the ideas, they are tested whether the ideas can prove helpful in solving the problems. In addition to that, the stages in which the ideas are to be used also differed and so they should not be implemented without testing the (Peters and Waterman, 1982). Thus, the effectiveness of these ideas is first tested and then depending on the results, they are finally implemented. The testing of ideas is more like a pilot survey that is made because the actual implementation of the ideas. This helps in gauging the effects of the implementation of the ideas in solving the problems beforehand (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Without testing of ideas, it is not generally used directly in any organization. Implementing Ideas Testing the ideas give an idea of the kind of feedback that will be generated after the ideas are actually implemented. Thus after this pilot study the results is first analyzed and if the results are as desired, the ideas are implemented (Peters, T. and Waterman, R. 1982, pp. 12-23). After the implementation of the ideas, it is clear that the operations program can now be tacked such that the organization does not face similar problems again in future. Checking the Results This is the last and the finals stage of the implementation of the TQM techniques. Although the ideas were first tested for their potential results and the implemented, a check is always required at the final stage. Thus, even after the implementation of the ideas to solve the operational problems, a check is required to gauge the results of the implementation of the ideas. After getting the results after implementing the ideas, an assessment or evaluation of the results is done. This gives a feedback of the effectiveness of the ideas and helps decide whether the ideas are needed for the future processes or not. Fish bone theory Developing the fish bone theory and the fish bone diagram was done by Kaoru Ishikawa. It is seen that because this theory was developed by her, the theory was also known as Ishikawa diagram. The root of this theory is that problems need to analyze by jotting down the problems on a sheet of paper and then relating it to the cause and the effect (Heskett, 1989). This theory was later in used by various disciplined and branches of academic studied. The fish bone diagram now forms an important part of management studies and ensures that the problems that an organization faces is first jotted down and then analyzed. This gives the problems a pictorial looks and thus ensures an easy and clear understanding of the problems. This diagram when seen after the completion gives an impression of being drawn on the model of a fish. In fact the diagram is of the shape of a fish. A spine of the fish is drawn and this the plane in which the problems are written extending towards the outer sides. The problems are jotted along the sides giving an impression that these are the bones of the fish (Peters, and Waterman, 1982). This pictorial representation makes the understanding of the problems easy. In addition, while listing the problems they are started form the grassroots level and decided into various categories. For example, the various categories of the organization that might be responsible for the operation problems cropping up in the organization are decided and then the problems that can be placed in these areas are listed. This gives a clear impression of the problems and when this is presented before the higher management, it become easy for them to link the cause and effect and then work towards solving the problem. In addition to this another important reason because of which the fish bone theory acts as an important tool in the analysis of the operations problems is that it divided the problems into smaller sub sections. This makes the problem seem easy as when a problem is bigger no way to break that down is found. However, when the problems got broken into smaller parts they seem easy. In addition to this, the linking of the problem to the cause an effect also makes the problems easy to identify. Another pertinent reason that recommends the use of the fish bone theory is that it is generally made in a group. Thus it cats as a medium through which various ideas and knowledge of different people are channelized into one single chart (Peters and Waterman, 1982). Thus the chart itself is very informative as the opinion of people from different experiences and history A comparison of the theory with the actual practice in the Pepsi Company It was seen that the fish bone diagram and the TQM techniques gave an idea of the various problems that Pepsi faced. In addition to this, the Fish bone diagram also listed the various strategies tat are already part of the Pepsi group. These theories hint that the operational department of Pepsi had taken up strict measures for maintaining the quality of the products of Pepsi. However, it is seen that there still were loop hole in these processes because of which there were issues in the quality of the Pepsi Company. The various loopholes in the processes that were although defined in the guideline and quality assurance of the Pepsi Company but were not followed in practice are given below: 1. Although various hi tech machines were used for the purification of the water that us being used in the production of Pepsi, there was issues in the quality of the water. When an investigation committee was set up to discuss the reason that led to the finding of pesticides in the packaged cans of Pepsi, it was found put that the ground water was found to be contaminated (Kearney, 1992). Various water purifiers are available in the Pepsi Company and they boost of use of high boiling canisters that free the water. In fact the quality process of Pepsi says that not filtered but distilled water is used for preparing the soft drink. Had this process be really followed in reality Pepsi would have not suffered huge losses and spoiled the name and reputation of the organization. Thus it was seen that purification of water was one miss match where Pepsi did not keep up the quality assurance stages that was streamlines in its work plan (Kearney,1992). 2. It has been defined in the work plan of the organization that the store and the factory where the soft drink has to be manufactured are free from all types of temperature and humidity issues. In fact, the organization showed that various new and improved storage canisters and rooms have been specifically designed so that the soft drink after manufacturing is placed in better stores before they are packaged. However, this process was not maintained properly and it was later inferred that the machines and storage room that were made were not of the required quality. This made the soft drink being alter in their chemical composition in the high temperature differences in various countries. Thus, owing to theism there were chemical reactions and microbes were able to breed in them and thus contaminate this (Kearney, 1992). 3. Although the Pepsi Company says that they have hygienic and special ceils to store the soft drink for long time till they are finally packaged and delivered, they did not take proper measures to make this practically happen. It was seen that after the Pepsi was manufactured they not stored in hygienic and cold storages. This change in temperature and the unhygienic conditions of the theories led to the contamination of Pepsi. 4. Although Pepsi boost of having a very well trained staff, they failed to provide proper quality management training to their staff and employees. Owing to this they were unaware of ensuring that none of the variation in temperature level, etc should be done as it drastically affects the quality of the drinks (Kearney, 1992). The employees and crew of the Pepsi Company being unaware, ignorant and negligent of these issues ended up in contaminating the drink. Consideration of its impact on quality and/or customer focus These problems definitely had a greater impact on the organization. Pepsi was a bigger name in the beverage industry and none of the companies were as popular as it is and give it tough competition. However, with the spread of the new of the Pepsi drink containing pesticides, this acted as a major loss to the organization. Pepsi was banned in all colleges and school on the United Kingdom. In addition to this, various factories of Pepsi were seized and the drink that was already prepared was seized. This new also spread in other parts of the world. In fact all countries stopped the selling of the Pepsi. In addition this affect in the business, the customers also got sensitized by this new. They themselves became much aware of the contamination and abstained from drinking this drink (Kearney, 1992). They also barred their friends and children from having this drink. This indeed acted as a great set back to the Pepsi Company and destroyed its business. In addition to that the trust that it had managed to create among the people was lost. Even till date many people avoid drinking the Pepsi products as the shock that they got regarding its contamination is not out of their minds still. Recommendations After studying and analyzing the principles in the operational management department of Pepsi co, one of clear of the problems that the organization was facing and the reasons that led to these problems were identified. Thus, the various recommendations that can be given to the Pepsi co group are as follows: 1. It can be inferred that most of the problems that cropped up regarding the quality of the products is due to the negligence of the employees. It was seen that the staff and crew that were part of the manufacturing department were not well trained and well skilled. Owing to this they did not understand the importance of maintaining accurate temperature and pressure. They did nit understand that minor changes in the level of temperature and pressure while purifying the water etc can lead to drastic disasters as it happen in the case of Pepsi. Thus Pepsi must ensure that all their staff is properly trained before they become part of the manufacturing and operational team of the company (Kearney, 1992). 2. The company should also understand that when the product that they are producing are consumable items special care is taken that they are hygienic and do not cause any health hazards. This is because a slight negligence on the part of the company may lead to severe results on the health problem and thus in turn may be disastrous to the life of the company and they may even end up losing their license. Thus, Pepsi should ensure that the machines that they are using in the production and purifying of water should be the best of quality. More and more high quality machines need to be brought to test the presence of microbes and other such organization and at the lowest possible level (Chaffee, 1985). 3. Quality assurance is an important part of the operational management department in Pepsi. This department has to take up the responsibility of ensuring that the products of the organization are best of the quality and that they are passed through various rounds of quality checks such that the products that finally pass out of the organization are best of the quality (Chaffee, 1985). 4. The management also has to be sensitized towards this cause. They have to ensure that the work process of the organization needs to be changed as there are loopholes in the process. And the loop holes are such that they resulted in blunders foe the organization, Thus, the management needs to incorporate more levels of quality checks and ensure that there is strictly monitoring at all levels. Conclusion Thus, it is seen that Pepsi faced several problems due to the negligence by the operational management department. In addition to this there were various other problems that led to such huge loss of eh organization (Chaffee, 1985). However with various theories and approaches of the management of the organization, the main problems that the organization faced were identified. In addition to the identification, the methods and theories that need to be used in order to rectify these problems are highlighted. It is through the use of these theories that Pepsi was able to regain its lost trust and business.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech: Strive to Succeed :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

This is it. In less than five minutes we'll be done with high school But you know I've got to say something before we go. When I moved here in eighth grade my plan was to go back to live with my Dad in Washougal to be with my friends that I had for ages. But I stayed, I got to know you guys, and heard stories about you and your life-long friends. And I even got implanted in some of your memories. Actually, in this year cheerleader ... who was it, oh Jason Jons wrote something proving this in my yearbook. This is what he wrote, "There's too much to be said here man. We've been friends sine 7th GRADE. (Eyebrows and smile.) Remember those times," apparently not, "with the bass rebels." Now Jason who are they? Something along the lines of Desperado. Then he continues to tell me how I shouldn't anything especially that which I've never experienced. But along with all the stories and memories, I learned so much more from all of you. Burke you taught me how to work hard and work with confidence, and for those that know Burke they know that confidence is not something he is in short supply of. And Josh you prov ed that white guys can bust a move. Kira showed that a smile with a laugh can move a mountain, and Randy like Einstein you have displayed that all geniuses have messed up hair dos. I mean really, one day he comes up to me pulls out a lock of hair and cuts it off with a pair of scissors and said, "Christian, you can't tell where it came from." And I didn't say it then, but I really couldn't. However, ladies and gentlemen, parents, faculty, and administration the observation that is most prevalent about this class, the thing that I have learned the most from the, is that hope is something that only dies when you give up, and it is something that will never dies in this group of people. I don't think I need to mention how many times this class, in spite of its numerous accomplishments, has emotionally hit rock bottom. But these graduates here tonight, the people that I am honored to call my class with aide of each other pick themselves up, smile, and know that tomorrow is coming with a promise, a promise that if we do not relent we will succeed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Necessity of Positive and Normative Economics :: essays papers

The Necessity of Positive and Normative Economics Keynes once wrote: â€Å"The object of a positive science is the establishment of uniformities, of a normative science the determination of ideals.† (Blaug, 122) This is the dichotomy that economists recognize when approaching their field of study. The social scientist must recognize both positive and normative distinctions, means and ends, as important factors of fruitful research. Secondly, they must clearly express the conditions and assumption which theories holds in order for economics to be useful for society. Positive science is that which is a fact of nature or a fact by definition. In mathematics this is the difference between the knowledge that the angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees, and the definition of a triangle as a two dimensional polygon with 3 sides. In economics, such facts of knowledge include that money is a store of value, or facts of definition that the UN’s Human Development Index ranks Canada above Mexico. These are all positive facts. Whether they rely or are associated with values does not reduce their factualness to a normative realm. One cannot refute positive statements by claiming they are arrived at due to values. It is up to normative science to judge the value of the HDI, a positive fact, and not mistake this action as denying the existence of the HDI. This is probably better stated with a topic from macroeconomics. Suppose that some economists agree that inflation produces the social cost of having to adjust prices to new levels. This is a completely positive statement. As long as every term has been clearly defined, one can understand the relation between inflation (as defined) and cost (as defined). Yes, the definitions have been chosen based on specific values, but this does not disaffirm the statement as a true reflection of reality. Suppose we make a true statement which denies that inflation produces this social cost, by defining inflation or the cost differently. The old positive fact of reality that the first statement asserted has not changed. By changing definitions, we have merely created a new positive statement. A statement is a true positive fact, according to Weston, when it â€Å"is consistent with definitions and axioms that define the system. We are not necessarily saying anything about what is true outside of that system.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lord of the Flies: Fear of the Unknown Essay example -- William Goldin

A distressing emotion aroused by impending evil and pain, whether the threat is real or imagined is described as fear. Fear is what William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies encompasses. By taking three major examples from the novel, fear will be considered on different levels: Simon’s having no instance of fear, Ralph’s fear of isolation on the island, and Jack’s fear of being powerless. Fear can make people behave in ways that are foreign to them, whether their fear is real or imagined. In response to fear, people may act defensively by attacking, fear can either stop one from doing something, or it can make one behave in an irrational erratic manner. On contrary from all the other boys on the island Simon, a Christ like figure in the novel, did not fear the ‘beastie’ or the unknown. â€Å"Maybe there is a beast....maybe it's only us† Simon explained. (p. 97) The fear of the unknown in the novel contributes to the boys’ terror of the beast, the beast is an imaginary figure which lays in all of the boys’ minds and haunts them. Golding uses the beast as a symbol of the evil that exists in every creature. "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are the way they are?" The sow head announced to Simon to be the â€Å"lord of the flies†. The â€Å"lord of the flies† is a figure of the devil, and brings out all the evil and fear in people. It wants you to fear it, but if you don’t believe in the â€Å"lord of the flies† nothing can happen to you. Therefore Simon didn’t fall into the trap, but the beast killed him, meaning the other boys on the island did. Simon discovered that the beast is in fact just a dead parachute man before he died and ran down to tell the boys about his finding. When Sim... ...t. By physically punishing the boys, they will fear Jack, so they will obey him "We’ve got to have rules and obey them" (P.47). In closing, fear can make people act in ways that are unfamiliar to them, whether their fear is valid or imaginary. In reply to fear, people may act defensively by being violent, fear can either stop one from doing something, or it can make one behave in an absurd unpredictable behaviour. As revealed, fear is demonstrated in the â€Å"Lord of the Flies† in three major ways: Simon’s lack of fear, Ralph’s fear of being isolated, and Jacks vast fear of being over powered by Ralph. Evil and fear is brought to the island by the boys themselves believed Golding. The world will essentially always have the same problem until every human being on the earth is unblemished, until there is no more evil or fear in the world. Obviously fear isn’t over rated.

How Is Friar Lawrence Presented in Romeo and Juliet Essay

During the play of Romeo and Juliet, the characters show love in many different ways. Some characters fall in and out of love very quickly in Romeo and Juliet. For example, Romeo is in love with Rosaline at the start of the play, which is presented as an immature action. Today, we might use the term â€Å"puppy love† to describe this. Romeo’s lover Rosaline is shallow and nobody really believes that it will last, including Friar Laurence: Romeo – â€Å"Thou chid’st me oft for loving Rosaline† Friar Laurence – â€Å"For doting, not loving, pupil mine†. In the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses religion in describing the first love & sight of Romeo and Juliet. Such as â€Å"good pilgrim† when Juliet first responded to Romeo’s compliment, this show religious use. However during Romeo’s & Juliet’s first meeting they share a sonnet to express each other’s first love for one another, â€Å"The gentile sin this† is a very ironic line because it’s end result is death. Just before Romeo & Juliet share their first kiss, Juliet exclaims herself as a saint â€Å"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake† – Juliet is saying that her prayers have been answered. Romeo described Juliet as a saint â€Å"O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do†, this means she’s seen holy by Romeo. During the first Balcony scene Shakespeare introduces the example of love from the first meeting of Romeo & Juliet, example such as â€Å"Dear saint†. Romeo says â€Å"Juliet is the Sun†, which is describing Juliet as a special part of the universe the centre of everything, for example, without the sun life would not be able to exist also life revolves around the sun and it seems to make Juliet seem brighter and more important. During the beginning of the fight between Tybalt and Romeo, Romeo pleads with Tybalt to not to fight â€Å"I do protest I never injured thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise† Only Romeo knows of the love and marriage between himself and Juliet. Tybalt, Juliet cousin is now part of Romeo’s family, and does not want to hurt/ kill him for the future love between himself and Juliet. Tybalt emphases his anger with horns on his costume in Romeo & Juliet the film. Also Tybalt does not know about Romeo and Juliet so he decides he wants a fight. After Romeo exits and Tybalt kills Mercutio Romeo enters and kills Tybalt, this questions Juliet over Romeo; does Romeo prefer friends of family? Romeo expected the death sentence, but the decision was to only banish him, he acted badly to this ecision – â€Å"Ha! Banishment? Be merciful – say death†, He would rather prefer death because he’d be with Juliet when she dies than never see her again – â€Å"Let me ta’en, let me be put to death† During the 2nd balcony scene Romeo says â€Å"more light and light, more dark and dark our woes† this means that whenever there’s more happiness, there will always be darkness in the ba ckground, and their love is gradually being taken over by darkness making them scared. During the dying scene Romeo sees Juliet as being dead. â€Å"Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die† Romeo exclaims that finally their love has been overrun with sin and wrong doing in life, the only way for them to be together is in death. When Juliet wakes up and realises Romeo is dead, she takes her own life because if she cannot be with her lover Romeo in life, than they shall share death â€Å"O Happy dagger!  This is thy sheath, – there rust, and let me die† she is happy to take death over life with sin. In conclusion Romeo and Juliet’s life was only taken from them because of the selfishness immaturity between themselves. Also Friar Lawrence should not have encouraged them to go forward with Juliet pretending to die. However because of the many sin’s Romeo and Juliet had committed, they would have probably chosen death over life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Automotive E-Coat Paint Process Simulation Using FEA

By applying an electrical current, a thin paint film forms veer all the surfaces in contact with the liquid, including those surfaces in recessed portions of the body. The E-coat paint process deposits a thin paint film on the automotive body under the influence of a voltage gradient of about 200 to 300 volts. The water-based E-coat paint bath is conductive with an array of anodes that extends into the bath delivering a DC current. The paint film that forms has physical properties that resist corrosion (these appear only after the automotive body has been cured in an oven).However, as the paint film forms, its electrical resistance increases. In the past several years, two-dimensional (2-D) FEE models of the E-coat paint process have been developed for specific or limited applications. In this paper, we discuss a general three-dimensional (3-D) FEE method using ALGER software. This method can simulate the formation of the E-coat film and can thus predict its thickness at any point on the surface of the automotive body.Operational variables, such as voltages and process duration, are used to simulate the time-dependent interaction among the automotive body, the increasing paint layer and the liquid thin the E-coat bath. The method is based on a quasi-static technique that accounts for the changing material properties of the paint layer. A quasi-static approach is appropriate because the time required for the electric field to be established is much smaller than the duration of the paint deposition process.The actual time is simulated by considering a series of time steps, each of which requires an electrostatic solution. The E-coat film thickness is updated during each time step. A primary concern is how to model the changing FEE geometry due to the growth of the E-coat film. Technology has been developed that is capable of generating a film of specified thickness (as a function of position) on the automotive body. Because of symmetry along the longitudinal axis of the automotive body, only half the body was modeled.In addition, an enclosing box was constructed around the automotive body and features were created for the possible anode locations. Generally, there is little electrical interaction between two adjacent automotive bodies. Any net electrical current that flows into the leading and trailing surfaces of the enclosing box is considered negligible. The space between the outside of this box and the automotive body will be considered as the E-coat paint bath. Furthermore, the growth of the E- coat film is assumed to be perpendicular to the surface of the automotive body at all times.Laboratory experiments can establish an accurate estimate of the deposition coefficient of the E-coat film that forms in response to the flow of electrical current. The result of interest is the flow of DC electrical current that causes the E-coat film to form. The growth of the E-coat film is dependent on the number of Coulombs that are levered. In each iteration, the FEE model is solved for electrical current flow from which the E-coat film thickness can then be calculated. The material properties for each of the elements where the E-coat film develops are also changed in response to the growth in the E-coat film thickness.Another feature of a typical automotive E-coat paint system is the use of multiple voltage zones and differing locations where the anodes are placed in the E-coat bath. These factors affect the application of voltages in the FEE model. The appropriate voltage values must be added or updated for each new iteration as required. The primary use of the method is to predict how, as the paint layer forms, the effective electrical resistance increases, which prompts the current to seek out less resistive paths.Even though the paint film that forms has drastically reduced conductivity compared to the surrounding E-coat paint bath, it is not enough to stop its continued growth past the optimum thickness which is generall y about 25 p. A 3-D FEE model of the E-coat paint process would not only help he designers of a new automotive body obtain a more uniform paint distribution, but could be advantageous to existing assembly plants, as they explore means to reduce costs as well as make improvements to existing designs.It is well known that the layout of the anodes and the automotive body have a significant impact on the overall electrical resistance of the system, and thus the amount of current that must be delivered. In some circumstances, assembly plants are faced with the challenge of obtaining an adequate E-coat paint thickness on exposed parts of the automotive odd, while avoiding an insufficient thickness in recessed regions.The standard solution is to increase the overall voltage, which results in greater energy and material costs. The resulting E-coat paint thickness achieved on the exposed parts of the body is particularly costly because it provides for no additional corrosion protection. Usin g the method discussed in this paper, engineers can perform a variety of optimization exercises without incurring the high costs or risks of making operational modifications to the existing E-coat paint process at an assembly plant.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Beginning of Human Flight

The Wright Brothers were interested in flying since their childhood. Bishop Wright, their father, gave them a toy helicopter when they were young and ever since they have been interested in aviation. The Wright Brothers are famous for their invention of the airplane, or the flying machine as it was called then. The first flight of the plane occurred on December 17, 1903. This was just the turn of the century, yet the Wright Brothers invented something that would last forever. This was in fact the case. This light would spark a race of technology that has taken us from into the air to flying into space. This also launched the aviation and the space age. The airplane is a major role in the world. The plane made traveling overseas easier and quicker. The plane was a useful tool in both of the World Wars. The airplane was a major part of the weapon and attacking strategy for all the countries with this technology. They say the Wright Brothers borrowed ideas of others in order to reach their goal. It doesn’t matter because they accomplished their desire to fly. Today aircraft are truly monsters compared to the Wright Flyer. The invention of the plane changed the world as we know it. It erased miles and brought people closer together, and uniting and diversifying the world as we know it. It went from novel toy for the daring to a tool of destruction. It brings life saving food, medical supplies, and clothing to those in need. It can carry us to any point on the globe and bring us back. The Wright Brothers had a dream and the made it happen. No matter how many times they were told no it wouldn’t work, they kept going and climbing to be he best and to fly. The research on the Wright Brothers was conducted mostly at Joyner Library. Also some of the information was obtained from the Internet. Joyner Library had most all the information on the Wright Brothers there is. Newspaper from the 1903 on microfilm were read to see the first hand accounts from that time. Books were read to get the second hand accounts. The picture from the Internet were very important on creating the exhibit. The exhibit was created by showing the things that evolved and the changes that occurred by the invention of the plane.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Birth Mark

Critical Essay 4 Close Reading â€Å"The ‘Birthmark† that was written a little over a century ago by Nathaniel Hawthorne, seems to be an early story of our modern fascination with physical flawlessness. In looking at today's society, it is simple to see that humans are fascinated with perfection. This fascination may be for physical perfection, emotional perfection, or career perfection. Unlike today's society, where flawlessness is wanted by the person directly involved, the character in this story looks for flawlessness in the one he should love without condition.The character becomes so obsessed with wanting perfection that he gives up true happiness. Thus, we can say that â€Å"The Birthmark† expresses a very profound meaning; men make an effort to change nature in order to make it more flawless than it already is. Even though â€Å"The Birthmark† by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written in the mid-1800s, its subject and ideas still play a part in todayâ€⠄¢s society. â€Å"In the late eighteenth century, where the story took place, science was still somehow associated with magic. †(1) And Aylmer's ‘science', could be called alchemy, which is somewhere between science and magic.It can be stated that Aylmer, the scientist in â€Å"The Birthmark,† is very much a result of this age of invention. Aylmer could have been a scientist or maybe even a magician. But we can definitely say he was in pursuit of control. He seeks control. The story starts off with a scientist who finds a bride. As the story continues on the freshly married couple starts to make discoveries about each other. Aylmer who is a man of perfection bases his decision to marry Georgiana believing that she is nothing but perfect. Nevertheless, his bride, Georgiana, appears to have a birthmark on her face that Aylmer wants to remove.Aylmer believes that the birth mark is a symbol of flawlessness on a beauty; On the other hand, Georgiana believes it is a b lessing. To me Aylmer made the mistake of marrying Georgiana because of perfection. In life we must understand that not everyone is perfect. Everyone has flaws including ourselves, and in this story Aylmer did not understand this. Georgiana’s birthmark on her face made her very different and special from other women. Aminadab said, â€Å"If she were my wife, I’d never part with that birth-mark† (Hawthorne 6). This quote opposes what Aylmer thinks; that the birthmark is ugly and needs to be removed.Aminadab tells Aylmer that the birthmark is unique, and he would not want to remove it because it makes her different. The birthmark has a very unique shade and shape to it, â€Å"In the usual state of her complexion- a healthy, though delicate bloom; – the mark wore a tint of deeper crimson, which imperfectly defined its shape amid the surrounding rosiness† (Hawthorne 2). Hawthorne often refers to the birthmark as the â€Å"Crimson Hand. † Not onl y is the color of the birthmark unique, but the shape is unique, as well. Not all birthmarks are crimson and look like a hand, and few people have a birthmark as unique as Georgiana did.Although Georgiana birthmark is unique, it is also a human flawlessness to Aylmer. Aylmer wanted to prove to Georgiana it was flawlessness to her face. Aylmer convincingly said, â€Å"No dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature, that this slightest possible defect- which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty- shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection† (Hawthorne 2). Aylmer thinks the birthmark makes Georgiana ugly and wants to do whatever it takes to remove it from her face. Aylmer cannot stand to look at his wife with this horrible birthmark on her face.I feel as though everybody has their own beauty that’s within them that can’t be changed. I understand that nobody can change the inner or outer beauty of a person it wil l always be there no matter what changes they make or try to hide. Beauty is something unique and it shouldn’t be altered by any one, each individual has something that is beautiful about them even if there outer appearance is not so beautiful. In the end of the story we understand that the symbolism of the birth-mark had represented death because, Georgiana died at the end of the story because, Aylmer was trying to change something that was meant to be left alone.Hawthorne said,† As the last crimson tint of the birth-mark that sole token of human imperfection-faded from her cheek, the parting breath of the now perfect woman passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband, took its heavenward flight. † (p. 650) Had Aylmer would have accepted his wife as she was she probably wouldn’t have died of the death of his hands. So it was his fault really because, he made her felt as if her birth-mark was an ugly thing on her face. When it really was not ugly it brought her appearance out it made her even more beautiful and special.As individual we must learn sometimes to let things be, as I like to say â€Å"let and let God. We must know that everything is not meant to be change. â€Å"The Birthmark† is very psychological, rigorously dealing with the plain mind of the characters as if the portentous narrator told the story from within their mind, other than observes it from the outside. The description by a person outside of the story, other than a character from within, does not inspire the reader to understand with one character more than the other. It also allows the reader to understand the story and its characters based on how the audience feels.Using third person point of view, Hawthorne defines the characters and lets the audience to try to understand what each of them is thinking. Hawthorne wrote a great story in this story Hawthorne sends a message that we as individuals have always made every eff ort for perfection in all aspects of our life, but sometimes our own pleasant perception of it dominates the possibilities that some people will take to achieve those aspects of perfection. Whether an athlete decide to us drugs in order to be able to run faster or to hit harder, for them to be able to reach a greater level than anyone else to that unachievable goal of perfection.Better yet, surgeons who try and play God and perform plastic surgery on patients to make the patient believe and feel that they have the perfect look and smile or appearance. â€Å"The Birthmark† was a very interesting book, in that Hawthorne explores a person’s sense of perfection and how far they will go to reach it. Works Cited Booth, Alison and Kelly J. Mays. The Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Tenth Edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Birthmark. † SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes

Friday, September 13, 2019

Comparative law ii trade and foreign investment in china Essay

Comparative law ii trade and foreign investment in china - Essay Example In DFW needs to transfer new technology to ST, it shall offer technical assistance and key components and parts during the preliminary stage of production. The means of payment for the technical services shall be specified in the technology transfer contract. Eventually, ST shall produce the items purely with domestic components with the upgrading in their skills and increase in domestic supplies. The signed contract will end with the fulfillment of the quality and quantity requirements specified in it. Advantages DFW will improve competitiveness in the SEZ by influencing few features such as competence/skill, capital, exports, infrastructure, and technology. Transfer of technology with synergistic results are dependent on achieving "reasonable compatible" targets between developing countries and foreign companies. A technology transfer will generally profit the SEZ in one of two ways. It will provide to manage research and development to accelerate the creation of new technology. Th e other way a technology transfer can benefit SEZ is when it  can share  its technology with less-developed regions in an endeavor to assist them with essential technologies, such as infrastructure development or food production. Technology transfer will modernize the Shenzhen economy and change the way products are generated, so the region becomes more resourceful and productive within the global market system. Disadvantages Technology transfer involves the movement of material structure, knowledge, skills, organization, values, and capital from the place of production to the receiving site. The unseen features of technology, such as organization, skills, and knowledge might be much more decisive than the physical  element it is for the  effective  transfer of technology. The technology that is transferred must also denotes the transfer of knowledge to the recipients, instead of making them rely on continuous external inputs and help. The new technology must be socially t olerable and beneficial on numerous levels, in addition to the general capability of communities to uphold healthy and sustainable livelihoods. Technological advances tend to raise complexity and uncertainty, making end users dependent on dedicated experts, and construct new knowledge obstacles for probable investors. In cases of the transfer of multifaceted production technologies, knowledge and technical proficiency become important hurdles to the transfer. b) Turnkey contract DFW can enter into a turnkey contract with SZ for the construction of a computer manufacturing plant and semiconductor manufacturing plant in the SEZ region. In this case, DFW will be entirely be responsible for the costs of designing and building the plant including its start-up and its capacity to produce computers and semiconductor chips as specified in the contract. ST shall provide a construction site for the computer manufacturing plant and semiconductor manufacturing plant, the required approvals from the Shenzhen government, the maintenance, and operational staff. On the other hand, DFW shall provide all the technology, design, and engineering services for procurement, supply, installation of all equipment, staff training, start-up of the plant, and guarantee that ST can use the plant to produce

Thursday, September 12, 2019

UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law - Essay Example To this effect, communication, business and financial transactions, international trading, storage and distribution of private and public records and even the dispensation of employment duties are exacted online, in these states. Nevertheless, given the high financial and security stakes that have come to stalk the Internet, cybercrime has become increasingly common and complex. To this effect, high-tech cyber based crimes such as terrorism, computer intrusions, espionage, identity theft, child pornography and fraud have become a major concern to the US and the UK. For this reason, the US and the UK have made legislation to counter and extirpate cybercrime, albeit these laws have their strong and weak points. This study aims to spot the light uponthe major cyber attacks, and associated threats in the UAE, US and UK and makes SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the current cyber crime laws and suggests approaches and mechanisms needed to improve the effe ctiveness of the cyber act. INTRODUCTION The phrase Cybercrime refers to any legally proscribed action that is performed over the Internet, a local network or the computer or any other device that can support the Internet, a local network or function of a computer. ... Because of this, it becomes clear that the concept of cybercrime and laws on cybercrime are state-specific. The leaps in the communication and information technology have promoted new technological trends like the internet spread, social networks, cloud computing, and VOIP like never happened before. The introduction of information technology solutions including e-commerce solutions, social networks, and on-line banking solutions has opened the door widely to the growing number of cyber terrorism threats and cyber attacks. Despite the rise of the cyber crime rates in UAE, the shortcomings in development of cyber crime laws and legislative provisions that regulate the up-mentioned technologies usage are huge.According to recent survey conducted by Norton, Bulent Teksoz, Chief Security Strategist, Norton outlines the total cost of cyber crime in the UAE - found to be $626m per year(Teksoz, 2010).Hence, the need to initiate a nation-wide act to counter the cyber crime, either on the nat ional and cross-border levels,arises. The state-specific nature of cybercrime in turn brings about an aspect of variance and makes it possible to identify the pros and cons and strengths and weaknesses of these cybercrime laws, as shall be seen forthwith, in the cases of the US and the UK. Meanwhile, Trend Micro published a study in 2009, which reported the number of computer system crashesin the UAE as a result of cyber attacks reached 248,000, accounting for 20 percent of the total cases in the GCC countries(Ajbaili, 2009).Few countries in the region, such as; UAE, and Saudi Arabia, have drawn up cyber laws in an attempt to fight the cyber crimes (Bednarski, Chen, Chen,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critically assess the virtues and shortcomings of Britain's Essay

Critically assess the virtues and shortcomings of Britain's 'un-codified' Constitution. Critically assess the Pr - Essay Example For this reason, the acts and laws passed in parliament become the constitution, as long as they have respect to the sovereignty of parliament as well as the principles of governance and legislation. The parliament in this case is sovereign and superior to every other institution in Britain, which means that it has the mandate of interpreting the constitution, thereby representing the sovereign will of the people. The un-codified British constitution constitutes values and political ideas that are based on ideals and precepts rather than fundamentals that are based on texts or documents (Williams, 1998: p 57). This means that the constitution and laws are symbols of the embodiment of their political culture, traditions and values of the British society. One of the strengths of the un-codified British constitution is that it is flexible. Many countries with the codified constitution find it difficult to pass legislation since the government is accountable and the constitution is prote cts individuals. For instance, Britain was able to pass legislation meant to detain terror suspects for a long period after several terrorist attacks. Other countries with the codified constitution during this period found it difficult to do the same since their constitutions were protecting the liberties of individuals (Watts, 2007: p 204). For this reason, these governments were not able to detain the terror suspects for a long duration, as the relevant authorities continued with their investigations. Apart from the flexibility of the un-codified constitution, its other strength is that it is able to evolve. Individuals in society live according to the changes in the political climate. This gives the British parliament the power to change some of the laws that seem to be outdated, consequently changing the way people live in the society (Watts, 2007: p 202). The ability of the evolution of the un-codified constitution creates an environment that is comfortable for individuals to r eside. For instance, in 1867, sovereignty was given to parliament, after it was taken away from the monarchy, which was responsible for the creation of a democratic political environment. This change made it possible for individuals to know their place in society. On the other hand, other than the opposition in parliament, there are no provisions for checking the government. This is one of the major shortcomings of the un-codified constitution. The absence of the checks and balance mechanisms might lead to the creation of an unjust political system, where the government might be in a position to oppress individuals in the society selectively. Using the previous example on terrorism, the British government had the capability of holding suspects for long periods, and with the probability that they might be lacking enough evidence to charge them, the detainment would be an infringement on the rights of the individual. Contrary to this, the codified constitution presents an opportunity for the creation of a political system that is just (Williams, 1998: p 52). In this case, the government will not be able to oppress individuals in the society, unless they have concrete evidence that a suspect is a terrorist. Before charging the suspect, he or she will be able to continue enjoying some of the rights and freedoms in society.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Personal cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal cultures - Essay Example In this regard, I utilize the utilitarianism concept. The framework states that I should take the interest of the patients first. In addition, the most framework asserts that the most ethical decisions are the ones that have maximum benefit to the patients. Thus, where professional ethics is a hindrance to effective care, personal ethics should be used. I was raised in a compassionate community where the life and wellbeing of everybody matters. As a result, I have respect for human health and life. I believe that humans should not suffer when I can give a hand. The culture is deeply embedded in me, and I use it to assist patients to the best of my ability in the nursing field. In addition, personal issues have influenced my ethical behavior. I have witnessed the suffering of friends and relatives as a result of neglect or medical errors. As such I endeavor to consider every aspect of treatment. I am a spiritual person and have been brought up as a Christian. Christianity advocates for compassion to all people. In my position, I am privileged with the power to influence the health outcomes of patients. The religion constantly reminds me that the lives of patients are bestowed upon me, and thus I should play and active role in protecting them. The religious views play an important role when I am faced with ethical dilemmas. The teachings of compassion indicate that human life is precious and should not be influenced by humans. The religion has shaped my ethics in other aspects such as futile treatment and euthanasia. I am bound by spiritual reasoning to ensure that the patients receive due care in both primary and secondary care. As such, it is unethical to take away a life deliberately no matter the circumstance. The belief advises me to stay away from decisions to terminate the life of an individual voluntarily. In this regard, my ethics dictates that I should ensure that patients receive the required care until recovery or

Monday, September 9, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example Morphologically breast cancer is divided into two basic types depending on the anatomic site affected by the tumor cells; Ductal and lobular carcinoma. As the name indicates, the ductal type originates form the ducts or lactiferous tubes of the breast while the lobular carcinoma originates from the stroma or lobules of the breast responsible for lactation. On the basis of penetration through the limiting basement membrane, the breast cancers are divided into two basic subtypes; Invasive and non-invasive. The non-invasive types are classified into two types which include ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) on the basis that tumor cells have not invaded the adjacent tissues (Chen 2010; McPherson et al 2000). The causes or risk factors of breast cancer can be divided into two major categories which are modifiable and non-modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors are age, geographical variations, family history, menstrual history, associated familial syndromes and genetics. The increase in the age of a woman is also a risk factor for breast cancer. Women who fall between the age group of 40-50 are at the highest risk of getting this malignancy. Moreover, if family history shows positive cases especially in first degree relatives like mother, daughter or sister, then it also increases the chances to develop breast cancer. Breast cancer has been associated with genes which include BRCA1 and BRCA2 which have been linked to the causation of familial breast cancer. These are genes located on chromosome 17 which undergo autosomal dominant mutations and are responsible for 5% to 10% inherited cases of breast cancer. The sporadic breast cancer is considered to be caused by mutations in several tumo r suppressor and oncogenes like p53, c-myc, c-myb and bcl-2. Moreover, the over expression of HER2/neu also has a very strong relation to breast cancer. The age of menarche and menopause also plays an important role in the incidence of breast

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Solve a regression problem using SPSS Coursework

Solve a regression problem using SPSS - Coursework Example The Equation of Best Fit is a calculation or equation that attempts to minimize distance between all the data points and a fitted line. The general idea is that small and unbiased difference between a model’s predicted values and the observed values indicates the model of best fit. However, it is advisable to look at the residual plots before concluding about goodness-of-fit as a statistical measure. We interpret the slope b or regression coefficient as the amount of change in Y for each unit increase in X. that is b represents the effect of X on Y while the intercept a, is the predicted value of Y associated with X = 0. From our analysis, the slope (a = 0.124) and Y-intercept (-1.031), X-temperature, and Y ice cream sales. Figure 2 below shows the strong positive correlation between temperature and Ice Cream Sales (slope). The main idea for this task is to find out whether the number of ice cream sold varies with temperature. Based on existing literature, we would expect ice-cream sales to increase with temperature. In order to answer the questions for the exercise, the Number of Ice Cream Sales is the dependent variable (criterion variable), and Temperature is the independent variable. Overall, the task is a simple linier regression because there are only two variables. Figure 4 above shows the correlation coefficient (r) is +0.98, which tells us a strong positive correlation between sales of ice cream and temperature, at 0.001 significance level. Therefore, we establish that the relationship between sales of ice cream and temperature was positively and strongly related (r = +0.98), p

The road to acting in films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The road to acting in films - Essay Example Now of course there are some actors who don’t have to take that long road due to family connections already in the industry. There are many roads to take in acting which one an individual chooses determines the outcome. Approaching the long road ahead in acting it’s always good to surround oneself with like-minded individuals. If no-one in the arena of life fits that role then look elsewhere in the form of success stories from other aspiring actors who became successful. The case may not necessarily be an aspiring actor but someone who set goals for their life and accomplished them. Here’s some advice on accomplishing goals from a successful entrepreneur, Lately I’ve noticed quite a disconnect in the goals people have for themselves and the plans they have for achieving those goals. Having goals is an important step towards living intentionally, but it’s only one step. There are many other things you’ll need to do to achieve those goals. Iâ⠂¬â„¢m afraid that some people are under the impression that setting goals is the most important step in achieving goals. As if after setting goals, the rest of the details will â€Å"work themselves out.† That just isn’t true. Setting goals is really only a small step towards achieving your goals. In between the two will be a long road and lots of hard work. (Barr) Preparing oneself for a career in acting takes a stance of no matter what, success is the only option. The assurance of that option is how an individual positions him/herself and with whom. Sometimes individuals may receive roles and foolishly accept a role that is a â€Å"bad look†. The â€Å"bad look† role now has branded them to the world of producers, directors, agents and fellow actors. In the â€Å"bad look† case an actor who had been given an opportunity choose the wrong role and now must work even harder to prove or to remove the â€Å"bad look†. There are so many loophol es to correct etiquette in the world of acting. All of which include decisions on managers, agents, scripts, and relating to the public. An aspiring actor should not just see a dream and follow it but should evaluate what it takes to get there and prepare. The aspiring actor must know and understand the road is long and hard and the competition is like a sea of swimming sharks. Preparation for the bad and the good is necessary in the road to acting in films. Preparation is important. There are steps an individual must take to ensure a right road to a career in acting. Taking all the steps doesn’t mean it will happen overnight. The important point here is taking the right steps to be on the right road. Preparation is not overnight either. Preparation takes time and research. The first thing an individual should do is position themselves in the film community. Hollywood is not the only place actors’ act. Most cities have their own film community. If not then find out whe re the nearest city is that does have a film community and drive out there. Get involved see what’s going on. Socialize with other aspiring actors, make-up artists, aspiring film directors, producers, etc. Start where you are first and then branch out. Some individuals make the choice to start out in LA. Starting out at the top just like at the bottom takes just as much hard work and sacrifice. Location doesn’t make the road easy; it’s the sacrifice, motivation and hard work that make the road accessible. Acting classes are excellent ways of walking down that road to