Thursday, August 27, 2020

Does Right to Life Include Right to Die ? Essay

The task work bears the engraving of numerous individuals, and I offer my thanks to every one of the individuals who have helped me and rendered their assistance in all the potential courses in a finish of my assignment. No work can be effective without the direction and gift of seniors and this work is no special case. It involves huge joy to offer my thanks to my personnel Hon’ble Prof. S. K. Gaur for his direction and fantastic bits of knowledge which provided guidance andfocus to this paper. I express gratitude toward him for loaning his valuable time in making this task anauthentic bit of work. He normally guided me. I likewise owe genuine appreciation to the staff at library for continually helping during the time spent discovering material and different hotspots for research. I am appreciative to my senior Mr. Animesh Kumar and all the people engaged with the subgroup for their commitments and help with gathering this task and the suggestions that go with it: they are the result of an open, intuitive and imaginative participation. I likewise thank interpersonal interaction site for looking through the necessary data in exact and according to required. How I can neglect to give credit and my fulfillment to my companions. My establishment and family truly upheld me all through in my undertakings to which I am respected to thank. Insurance of Life and Personal Liberty â€Å"Article 21 peruses as: No individual will be denied of his life or individual freedom aside from as per aprocedure set up by law. † The style might be antagonistic, yet it has presented a commitment on the state to guarantee great personal satisfaction and a noble life to the individuals, which is the constructive part of the article. As per Bhagwati, J. , Article 21 â€Å"embodies a sacred estimation of incomparable significance in a vote based society. †Iyer, J. , has portrayed Article 21 as â€Å"the procedural magna cartaprotective of life and freedom. This privilege has been held to be the core of the Constitution, the most natural and dynamic arrangement in our living constitution, the establishment of our laws. Article 21 makes sure about two rights: * Right to life; and * Right to individual freedom. The Article forbids the hardship of the above rights with the exception of as per aprocedure built up by law. Article 21 must be guaranteed when an individual is denied of his â€Å"life† or â€Å"personal liberty† by the â€Å"State† as characterized in Article 12. Infringement of the privilege by a private individual isn't inside the see of Article 21. Article 21 applies to common people. The privilege is accessible to each individual, resident or outsider. Consequently, even an outsider can guarantee this right. Right to Life: An Introduction The term â€Å"life† as referenced in the Article has been given an expansive importance by theSupreme Court. Right to Life doesn't only mean the duration of a person’s animalexistence yet a personal satisfaction. On account of Kharak Singh v. Province of Uttar Pradesh, theSupreme Court cited with endorsement Field, J. ’s perception in Munn v. Illinois, and held: ‘By the term â€Å"life† as here utilized something more is implied than insignificant creature presence. The hindrance against its hardship stretches out to each one of those appendages and resources by which life is delighted in. The arrangement similarly forbids the mutilation of the body by removal of an arm or leg or the pulling out of an eye, or the pulverization of some other organ of the body through which the spirit speaks with the external world. ’ In Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, the Supreme Court emphasized with theapproval the above perceptions and held that the â€Å"right to life† incorporated the option to have a sound existence in order to appreciate all resources of the human body in their prime conditions. It would even incorporate the privilege to assurance of a person’s custom, culture, legacy and every one of that offers importance to a man’s life. It remembers the option to live for harmony, to rest in harmony and the option to rest and wellbeing. In P. Rathinam v. Association of India, the Supreme Court characterized â€Å"Life† as follows:â€Å"the option to live with human pride and the equivalent doesn't mean proceeded with drudgery. It takes inside its crease a portion of the fine graces of progress which makes life worth living and that the extended idea of life would mean the custom, culture and legacy of the individual concerned. In Olga Tellis, the Supreme Court has underscored that the term â€Å"life† in Article 21 isn't just limited to minor creature presence of an individual. It implies something else and â€Å"the hindrance against the hardship of life degrees to each one of those cutoff points and resources by which life is delighted in. † No Right to Die or Commit Suicide Can the privilege to life be deciphered to such a degree which prompts its implosion or self resistance? That is, would it be able to incorporate inside its ambit the privilege not to live or the option to pass on? The wordEuthanasia originates from the Greek †â€Å"Euthanatos† got from the words ‘eu’ meaning great and ‘thanatos’meaning passing. It is the deliberate executing by act or oversight of a dependant person for their supposed advantage. By one way or another the significance of Euthanasia is clarified considering self destruction while self destruction is, many concur, considered as murder aside from that the casualty is simply the creator. One of its sorts is helped self destruction which happens when somebody gives an individual the data, direction, and intends to take their own existence with the expectation that they will be utilized for this reason. â€Å"The word â€Å"euthanasia† is fairly questionable and has a few potential significance. Subsequently it is proper to clarify what we mean by the term at whatever point it is utilized. With the end goal of this task, killing will mean the demonstration of completion the life of an individual from caring thought processes, when he is in critical condition or, when his enduring has become unbearable† Euthanasia is the deliberate untimely end of another person’s life either by direct mediation (dynamic willful extermination) or by retaining life-dragging out measures and assets (latent willful extermination), either at theexpress or suggested solicitation of that individual (intentional killing), or without such endorsement (non willful extermination). Automatic killing †where the individual wishes to continue living †is aneuphemism for homicide. Inactive killing is typically characterized as pulling back clinical treatment with a purposeful aim ofcausing the patient’s demise. For instance, if a patient requires kidney dialysis to endure, not giving dialysisalthough the machine is accessible, is inactive willful extermination. Correspondingly, if a patient is in trance like state or on a heart lungmachine, pulling back of the machine will usually bring about aloof killing. So also not giving lifesaving meds like anti-microbials in specific circumstances may bring about latent willful extermination. Denying food to an individual in unconsciousness may likewise add up to aloof willful extermination. Killing and Suicide were unmistakably characterized for the situation NareshMarotraoSakhre v. Association of India J. Lodha expressed â€Å"Suicide by its very nature is a demonstration of self-slaughtering or implosion, a demonstration of terminatingone’s own demonstration and without the guide or help of some other human office while Euthanasia or benevolence killingon the other hand infers the intercession of other human office to end the life. Kindness murdering is subsequently notsuicide and an endeavor at benevolence slaughtering isn't secured by the arrangements of Section 309. The two ideas areboth really and legitimately particular. Willful extermination or benevolence murdering is only crime whatever thecircumstances wherein it is performed. † Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code1860, rebuffs an individual indicted for endeavoring to end it all. There had been distinction of feeling on the defense of this arrangement to proceed on the Statute Book. The inquiry wanted thought for first time under the steady gaze of the High Court of BombayinState of Maharashtra v. MarutiSripatiDubal. For this situation the Bombay High Court heldthat the privilege to life ensured under Article 21 incorporates option to bite the dust, and the Hon’ble High Court struck down Section 309 of the IPC which gives discipline to endeavor to end it all by an individual as unlawful. Further in ChennaJagadeeswar v. Province of A. P. , the Andhra Pradesh High Court held that the option to kick the bucket is certainly not a major right under Art. 21 and thus Section 309 of I. P. C isn't unlawful. In P. Rathinam v. Association of Indiaa Division Bench of the Supreme Court,supporting the choice of the High Court of Bombay in MarutiSripatiDubal Case, heldthat under Article 21 right to life likewise incorporate option to kick the bucket and set out that segment 309 of Indian Penal Court which manages ‘attempt to end it all is a corrective offence’ illegal. A five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court in GianKaur v. State ofPunjab,overruled the choice of the Division Bench in the above expressed case and has putan end to the discussion and decided that Section 309 of IPC was neither violative of Article 21nor Article 14. The court held that the â€Å"right to life† under Article 21 did exclude â€Å"the option to bite the dust. † As seen by Justice J. S. Verma :â€Å"Any part of life which makes it noble might be added something extra to Article 21 of the Constitution however not that which stifles it and is in this manner conflicting with the proceeded with presence of life bringing about destroying the privilege itself†. ‘Right to life’ is a characteristic right exemplified in Art. 21 however self destruction is an unnatural end or elimination of life and, incongruent and conflicting with the idea of ‘right to life’. Alluding to the heroes of euthanasia’s see that presence in steady vegetative state was not a ben

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reaction Paper - Essay Example From Asian culture to African, from Chinese stunning models to European’s workmanship, a few grand craftsmanship pieces held tight the divider passing on their messages and exhibiting their magnificence in the most rich manner. At the point when I perused the shows cautiously, I was totally charmed by the Asian’s astonishing fine art. It’s wonderfully enormous structure was something to pass on for and made me commendable. I was really not ready to get a handle on a certain something: How a person can make something like this? The delicacy and flawlessness made me astounded and left me entranced. Craftsmanship is something or other which request no limits. It is something that constrains the human brain to do and to make what he loves, what he feels like. This was something our instructor let us know in each craftsmanship class and now I could unmistakably observe the nearness of her words in these works of art and models. I was seeing these works of art through my eyes as well as was attempting to feel them, the scent of the spot it had a place with, the way of life and the messages it passed on to the individuals. There was this one bit of workmanship which exhibited the joke of the affluent and rich individuals. These were spruced up figures of skeletons which alarmed me and made me excited the most. It presented to me a novel visual encounter I have ever experienced. This Art Museum offered a brilliant buffet of surprising disclosures. Colossal divider canvases, scaled down sculptures and hurried representations gave us an opportunity to see the most spectacular excellence. Both contemporary craftsmanship and artifact workmanship were exhibited in these canvases. This was a spot which was stressing on each sort of workmanship and advancing the old societies being exhibited in these canvases and figures. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art is labeled as a behemoth in such a creative and many-sided world. In the region where Chinese Sculp tures were put, it seemed insightful over the space to me. There was a profound significance taken cover behind these figures, their eyes looking attempting to express something to the eyewitnesses. With sharp eyes, I wrote down all that I watched, even the moment subtleties that amalgamated and created some astounding pieces. I was continually relating all these creative pieces with the material I had made up until now and whatever we concentrated in school, it was nothing before this mammoth measured works of art and the ideal etched figures which indicated the ideal image of numerable societies, for example Buddhism. The assortments of painting that were housed in this craftsmanship gallery were uncountable. From each edge of the globe, several years of age history and culture was found in these astonishing craftsmanship pieces. Relics that were shown incorporated some European Art that left me dumbfounded. Workmanship property from the broad arrangement of different craftsmen li ke Van Gogh, Manet, Rembrandt and so forth were exhibited that helped us to return to what we have concentrated in our specialty classes. I could relate every one of my works of art which were really motivated from these stunning artists’ manifestations many years old. A few pieces from the Egyptian Era and the Islamic realm were found in this craftsmanship gallery which allowed us to comprehend the knowledge of these specialists having a place with a totally various societies and conventions. This is the thing that a craftsmanship historical center does. It brings all the way of life under one rooftop and empowers the eyewitnesses to perceive how the entire world is enjoyed one thing together, in the enchantment of craftsmanship, despite the fact that having a place with totally contrast

Understanding Leadership free essay sample

There are various elements that will decide your decision of Leadership style. To pick the best methodology for you, you should consider: Your common style or favored style (This is controlled by your own character) Your degree of obligation (You may confront various kinds of choices) The current task (Is it a standard assignment or something new and inventive) Assessment of circumstance Timescales (When should the errand be finished) The aptitude levels and experience of your group The character of the group/singular individuals. The authoritative condition (Is the association steady or changing) The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory distinguishes four diverse administration styles. These various styles can be drawn after relying upon the circumstance. The hypothesis expresses that as opposed to utilizing only one style, fruitful pioneers should change their initiative styles dependent on the undertaking, circumstance and preparation of the gathering. Situational Leadership Google Images Hersey and Blanchard four fundamental Leadership Styles Telling/Directing (S1) †Leaders instruct their kin and how to do it. We will compose a custom paper test on Getting Leadership or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Positives: Precise Instructions and cutoff times, intently screens progress Negatives: Staff may feel their suppositions are not esteemed, Motivational issues Selling/Coaching (S2) †Leaders give data and bearing, yet theres more correspondence with adherents. Pioneers offer their message to get individuals ready. Positives: Improve staff execution, constructs certainty Negatives: Time venture tuning in and prompting, Participating/Supporting (S3) †Leaders center more around the relationship and less on course. The pioneer works with the group, and offers dynamic obligations. Positives: Staff urged to take responsibility for task Negatives: Delegating (S4) †Leaders pass the vast majority of the obligation onto the supporter or gathering. The pioneers despite everything screen progress, yet theyre less associated with choices. Positives: Empowering staff to act and decide, Negatives: Potential to be seen as preference, As you can see, styles S1 and S2 are centered around completing the errand. Styles S3 and S4 are increasingly worried about creating colleagues capacities to work autonomously. As per Hersey and Blanchard, realizing when to utilize each style is to a great extent subject to the preparation of the individual or gathering youre driving. They likewise separate status into four distinct levels. (See Appendix 1) Using this hypothesis, pioneers can put pretty much accentuation on the errand, and pretty much accentuation on the associations with the individuals they are driving, contingent upon whats expected to take care of business effectively. (http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newLDR_44. htm) 02/02/14 Leadership styles or practices are probably going to have a constructive or adverse impact on individual and gathering conduct In my job I deal with a group of 11 individuals there are various solid characters inside the group. They all have fluctuating degrees of information and involvement with their separate jobs which influences their individual aptitude levels. Nobody style of the board is fortunate or unfortunate, an administration style can be a decent or poor fit contingent upon the circumstance. This is the reason I discover the Situational Leadership approach the best and attempt to change instinctually between the four styles as per the individuals and sort of work I am managing at that point. It is fundamental to be versatile as there are positives and negatives to the various styles whenever utilized in an inappropriate circumstance. Anyway I think my regular style is a blend of Selling and Supporting . Instances of when I have utilized these various styles are underneath: Selling: My group have various focuses on that must be met. A portion of the staff are reliably beneath their objectives for different reasons, for example, overwhelming outstanding burden, hierarchical abilities, organizing and so forth. In this circumstance I will converse with them coordinated clarifying their objectives and why they must be met sketching out the advantages to the group and friends. I additionally energize their info, tuning in to their thoughts of how they can improve and create. Supporting: An exceptionally experienced colleague me that they were battling with their remaining burden. That it had gotten excessively and they could not adapt anymore. I plunked down with the individual and tuned in to what work they had exceptional and how things had gotten excessively. In the wake of talking it turned out to be certain that it was because of an absence of inspiration and association that things had developed, bringing about an absence of certainty to refocus. I realized this individual had the information and abilities to finish the work so I gave acclaim for past work they had done well to build certainty. I at that point gave direction and backing of how to arrange their residual remaining task at hand. This brought about the individual from staff feeling significantly increasingly sure and spurred to finish the extraordinary assignments. I likewise utilize Telling and Delegating relying upon the circumstance or main job. For example I would utilize Telling if an individual from staff can't or reluctant to finish an errand. I would utilize Delegating if the individual from staff is fit and roused bringing about my trust to finish the errand. Its a supervisors obligation to be a chameleon by changing their style to suit the circumstance. Along these lines you will boost the efficiency and commitment of the entire group. My own administration practices and potential with regards to a specific initiative model and own organisation’s working practices and culture, utilizing input from others The Johari Window is a valuable apparatus for helping assemble mindfulness and increase a comprehension of how others see you. To help structure my very own judgment administration practices I solicited 14 individuals from my group to finish a Johari Window gift comprising of 56 modifiers and requested that they circle 5 words they felt best depicted me. I additionally finished my own gift to look at against my associates. The finished structures (See Appendix 2) This is my Johari Window Known to Others Blind Spots Unknown to us Known To others capable, tolerating, versatile, quiet, chipper, cunning, honorable, amicable, free, proficient, legitimate, humble, attentive, sorted out, understanding, loose, responsive, self-emphatic, reasonable, thoughtful, clever Public Knowledge Known to us known to others caring sure reliable supportive dependable. Mysterious Unknown to us Unknown to othersâ bold, daring, intricate, fiery, outgoing, giving, cheerful, optimistic, quick, shrewd, thoughtful, kind, adoring, develop, anxious, amazing, glad, tranquil, intelligent, strict, looking, unsure, nostalgic, bashful, senseless, unconstrained, tense, warm, savvy Private Knowledge Known to us Unknown to others Unknown to Others I found the aftereffects of the Johari window practice intriguing. The 5 words I had decided to best portray myself were completely picked by in any event one of my partners and in this manner set in the Public Knowledge segment. The words that were picked the most (Public Knowledge) sure x 8, accommodating x 7, (Blind Spots) benevolent x 6, learned x 4, adabtable x 4, quiet x 4, intelligent x 4, loosened up x 4. I have a decent connection with my group that has been worked through acceptable correspondence and being open about my contemplations/emotions. I think this has assisted with increasing a trust and downplaying which is reflected in the aftereffects of the Johari Window. I will keep on looking for input from my group to help diminish my Blind territory and increment my Open zone. Likewise taking a gander at my character and initiative practices I finished the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) poll and during the Understanding Leadership Course we took a gander at the outcomes. My sort pointer is underneath; Google Images The administration style of the ESFJ is delicately tyrant and unequivocal. As a director, the ESFJ anticipates that everybody should adhere to the principles and strategies beyond a shadow of a doubt. Chain of importance is regarded. They are suitable, useful, accommodating and keen and wish to please. They center around congruity and common help and accomplishing results through collaboration and a feeling of shared having a place. There are a few similitudes in the aftereffects of the MBTI and the consequences of the Johari Window. The two activities show solid character attributes of being Helpful, mindful, accommodating and keen. Fitting activities to upgrade own authority conduct with regards to the specific initiative model My favored style of administration is Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership. This model requires a pioneer to be fit for adjusting or changing authority conduct and utilizing various styles of initiative relying upon Competence Certainty and duty Ability Willingness Hersey and Blanchard further depicted these ‘Situations’ requiring a high or low administration accentuation on the Task and the Relationship. This isn't in every case simple and to be a fruitful innovator in this model you should know your own qualities and shortcomings just as those of the group. To develop as an individual and get the best out of others, I should benefit from my qualities, yet in addition face my shortcomings and manage them. That implies really investigating my character type’s potential issue zones. I considered my Myers Briggs Type Indicator ESFJ to check whether there are any normal weakness’s of this character type that I can identify with me. These are a few models; May be inclined to battle with instability originating from their powerful urge to be preferred Strongly loathes analysis and struggle †can be excessively delicate Tendency to despise change May respond too rapidly and too genuinely in a circumstance better managed in a progressively down to business style To improve my mindfulness I returned to my Johari Window results, specifically my Blind Spots. Picking up criticism and learn

Friday, August 21, 2020

Indicators of affective component Essay Example for Free

Pointers of full of feeling segment Essay This perception gives an impression that how feeling of having a place, and requirement for being needed, adored, and thought about especially by the relatives are basic parts to encountering joy in the lives of the Gladys old. The outcomes demonstrate that the regulated old to having a conviction that all is good as far as their future. This conviction that all is good as far as cash alone doesn't guarantee satisfaction or prosperity among the old. As indicated by their executives, the older appeared to attempt to adapt to their given circumstance of not having the relatives to deal with their passionate needs. Obviously they put on a bold front and attempted to sound unaffected and certified that they were in ‘good hands’ and ‘there was nothing to worry’ ‘that fathers will deal with until they die’ and even thought about their room in Gladys as comfortable as one’s ‘mother’s belly. ’ One could see that the majority of their references related to physical security and not to enthusiastic security which they likely knew that they couldn't anticipate from their relatives. Family care is the conventional way to deal with care giving for the matured and they like to be minded at home since it offers better spirit and security (Doress-Worters Siegal, 1994). Alongside the material security, the requirement for enthusiastic security is to be guaranteed for the standardized matured to encounter emotional feeling of prosperity. Contributing Factors toward SWB among the Institutionalized Aged Results of the investigation uncover that from the administrators’ perspective, emotional prosperity among the systematized matured lays on their physical wellbeing, self-governance/opportunity, cash/salary, significant connections, social premium, idea of time, mentality toward death, and religion and/otherworldliness. Every one of these subjects/factors had its sub topics or elements. Physical Health The discoveries dependent on the case investigation, content broke down top to bottom meetings with the older, and their nearby partners were steady on the part of wellbeing. It featured the significance old enough explicit physical wellbeing as one of the most significant factors in anticipating prosperity or joy among the eldely in the examination. It has been experimentally demonstrated. As indicated by Campbell et al. (1976), â€Å"When respondents are solicited to pass judgment on the significance from different areas of their lives, â€Å"good health† gets the most noteworthy rating. † Under physical wellbeing, essential capability or physical portability, food, convenience, condition, physical exercise and recreational exercises (extended fitness) were likewise considered in the examination. The discoveries demonstrated that these various areas of wellbeing contributed toward better physical prosperity which emphatically impacts passionate prosperity of the old. Studies dependent on more seasoned individuals recommend those experiencing utilitarian medical issues (essential fitness) are in danger of encountering decrease in emotional prosperity (Kunzmann, Little, Smith, 2000). It demonstrated that the individuals who delighted in practical wellbeing or having fundamental capability had grappled with or kept up an inspirational disposition toward maturing and the age-related physical decrease. This finding is lined up with the notion of Kunzmann et al. (2000) that on the off chance that it were workable for one to get more established without encountering misfortunes and negative occasions, for example, decreases in wellbeing and physical working, the individual would encounter expanded degrees of passionate wellbeing. Self-governance/Freedom Opportunity and self-governance assumed a huge job in the prosperity of the more seasoned grown-ups under examination as saw by Gladys Spellman overseers. Insignificant outer limitations and individual opportunity even in otherworldly issues were viewed as the most appealing component of the ‘home’, which gave them a feeling of autonomy and individual worth. As per Christopher (1999) it is our ability for self-sufficiency that presents to us our nobility as people. Steward et al.(1998) continued that a potential bothering question in the more seasoned individual is, â€Å"Can I endure autonomously without being a weight? † The individual whose personality has been that of a reliant individual may think that its simpler to acknowledge disease and systematization than alleged free, self-sufficient individual whose character has been organized as needs be. Studies led by the National Institute of Health show that limitations in control effectsly affect the strength of more seasoned individuals (Butler et al. 1998), and thusly on their emotional recognition and experience of prosperity.

So Your Car Got Repossessed ... Now What

So Your Car Got Repossessed ... Now What So Your Car Got Repossessed Now What? So Your Car Got Repossessed Now What?If your car is about to get repossessed, try working directly with your lender. And if your car has already been repossessed, learn your rights and dont wait to act.In the not-too-distant past, you could solve your car repossession dilemma by appearing on the short-lived TV show game show “Repo Games. Contestants would literally show up to their house and a tow truck was attached to their car. For every question they got wrong, the tow truck would reel in the car a little further, and for each question they got right, it would release a little.However, since we aren’t entirely in a RoboCop-esque dark satire of our own reality just yet, the show was canceled after two seasons.So with that gone, what options are still open to you if you’re facing repossession? What exactly is repossession?You probably have some sense of what repossession is and how it works. But just in case you don’t, let’s address it here.When you buy a car or truck, it s possible to pay for the whole thing in cash. But most people dont do that. Instead, they take out a personal loan that uses the car as collateral. Collateral is an item of value that secures a loan, meaning decreased risk for the lender and a lower interest rate for the borrower.The one danger with secured loans (for the borrower at least) is that the lender gets to seize the collateral if the borrower defaults on their loan. With auto loans, this process is referred to as repossessionâ€"whereas with home mortgages, for instance, the process is called eviction.There is another kind of loan that can result in repossession: title loans. These are a type of bad credit loan  (also known as no credit check loans) that are secured by the title to your car or truck and come with average annual interest rates of 300 percent. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), one in five title loans ends with the borrowers vehicle being repossessed.Don’t wait to act.If you kno w you’re likely to miss a payment, don’t just wait until the tow truck shows up at your door. There are actions you can take immediately.“Try to work with the lender,” advised  consumer protection attorney Donald E. Petersen. “Many will understand temporary setbacks and allow borrowers a brief period of time to bring their payments current.“Most lenders do not want to repossess the vehicle, go to the expense of having it auctioned, and attempting to collect the deficiency balance.”However, not all lenders will be as patient, as Petersen explained to us:“Some will repossess on a hair trigger if the borrower is approaching the final payments because they want the equity in the car. This type of predatory behavior is more common among ‘buy here, pay here’ car lots and some deep subprime lenders.”Know your rights.Other than some sort of device that makes your car invisible, knowledge is your best weapon against repossession.“Each state has unique laws regarding a utomotive financing originated by car dealers,” nationally recognized repo expert Ken Jarman told us. “You can usually find these rights in your state’s automotive retail installment sales acts.In many cases, creditors have many more obligations and/or restrictions in these types of transactions. Many require notice prior to repossession. The important thing to know is that with a retail installment sale, the related state regulatory agency can be a good resource to resolve disputes with the creditor or will help you understand your rights better.”As Jarman points out, once you have more knowledge of the law, you can protect yourself from a creditor who is trying to repossess your property without going through the proper processes. Attorney and consumer advocate Alexis Moore echoed this advice:“Credit Agencies break the law all the time, so its up to the consumer to be able to realize that they should fight back and do some research right away, because there is a time for which one can file any sort of claim.”So what kind of rules might the creditor be breaking? Here are a couple examples Petersen offered:“The lender is required to mail the borrower a pre-sale notice describing the method of sale, of the collateral, etc. (the ‘Pre-Sale Notice’). For example, lenders are required to inform borrowers whether they will be selling the vehicle at a public or private sale. This allows the borrower to attend any public sale to observe how it is conducted.“Lenders are also required to mail the borrower a Post Sale Notice showing the amount received from the sale and how the lender allocated the proceeds. In a substantial minority of the states, defects in the Pre-Sale Notice may provide the borrower a complete defense if the lender (or a debt buyer) sue the borrower attempting to collect the deficiency balance.”All in the timing?As we said earlier, repossession is not a time to procrastinate. Because if you don’t act quickly, it can become too late to act.“If you are behind on your payments when the lender regains possession of the vehicle, its too late under *most* states laws,” warned Petersen. “In the majority of states, if the lender executes a valid repossession before the debtor files a Chapter 13 (‘Wage Earner’) bankruptcy, the court can not force the lender to restore possession of the car to the borrower.“Consumers who are being sued for a repossession deficiency should contact an experienced consumer lawyer. Repossession notices and sales are subject to many strict requirements and lenders frequently fail to comply.”Of course, one of the best defenses against repossession is to avoid taking out a loan that youll struggle to pay back. But if you already have such a loan, you should know what your options are. To learn more about what happens when you default on a debt, check out these related posts from OppLoans:Can a Payday Loan Company Take You to Court?Can Your Social Security Benefits be Garnis hed to Pay a Debt?You Can Get Charge-Offs Removed from Your Credit Report, But It Ain’t EasyDoes Medical Debt Really Go Away After Seven Years?Have you ever successfully gotten your car back after it was repossessed? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedINContributorsKen Jarman grew up in Miami, Houston, and Latin America before moving to Austin, Texas in 1991. In 2005, he realized a lifelong dream and opened his own car dealership and auto finance company. For 10 years he was an active member of the Texas Independent Automobile Association and has decades of experience in managing operations in automotive financial services. In 2015 he sold his automotive companies and became a consumer consultant. He is passionate about educating consumers and is the founder of Real Credit Repair in San Antonio, TX.Alexis Moore spent two decades as a high-tech investigator locating assets for banks and law firms. Along the way she became an attorney and a consumer advocate, recognizing that many credit collection agencies and banks take advantage of vulnerable consumers, including the credit bureaus. She is now a passionate Advocate for others.Donald E. Petersen  is an Orlando, Florida trial lawyer who represents consumers against companies who violate their rights under the  Telephone Consumer Protection Act, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,  Fair Credit Reporting Act and other consumer protection laws.