Friday, July 26, 2019

The Start-Up of You and Readers' Responses Essay

The Start-Up of You and Readers' Responses - Essay Example A closer look at Friedman’s arguments which applied the use of humor could be seen from his second paragraph when he was trying to explain that the number of personnel currently employed by famous global organizations, such as the social networking and Internet companies, could just fit in â€Å"the 20,000 seats in Madison Square Garden, and still have room for grandma† (Friedman, 2011, par. 2). The intention of the author was for the audience to visualize the significant change in the thrust of hiring, not based on quantities of human resources; but on distinct innovative and creative skills. Likewise, another statement that injected humor was: â€Å"I think something else, something new-something that will require our kids not so much to find their next job as to invent their next job-is also influencing today's job market more than people realize† (Friedman, 2011, par. 1). In this particular statement, the author’s main argument was to relay the imminen t pressure encountered by current graduates in searching for employment, based primarily on unconventional factors that allegedly exacerbate the situation of job seekers. It stirs the emotions of readers in terms of inciting increased awareness and developing a sense of urgency to re-evaluate personal and professional skills that one currently possesses, or that one should currently possess to increase competitiveness in the contemporary global market. Still, there was a tinge of humor when Friedman indicated that â€Å"you would never know that from listening to the debate in Washington, where some Democrats still tend to talk about job creation as if it's the 1960s and some Republicans as if it's the 1980s. But this is not your parents' job market† (Friedman, 2011, par. 6). The statement has some elements of satire in the way the author stressed that policymakers apparently were too outdated to know that they should likewise be kept abreast of the changing pace of workforce opportunities. At this, the audience could either agree or react otherwise, depending on the demographic profile assumed; meaning, parents could be offended; young graduates could think this is funny; members of either the Democrats or the Republicans could obviously feel grossly transgressed. Other portions that exemplify the author’s use of emotions to sustain his arguments are as follows: in introducing the book entitled The Start-Up of You, which was reportedly authored by Reid Garrett Hoffman, LinkedIn’s founder, the assertions of Hoffman likewise stirs the emotios of the readers in terms of apparently creating a sense of uneasiness, anxiety, and unrest in specifying that the thrust of contemporary global organizations’ hiring focuses on entrepreneurial skills and talents that could not be simply earned and develop through a college degree. It was emphasized that â€Å"You can't just say, 'I have a college degree, I have a right to a job, now someone else should figure out how to hire and train me!’" (Friedman, 2011, par. 10). This particular revelation could come as a big blow to thousands of college graduates who remain optimistic of finding their dream jobs through the theoretical framework gained from their respective fields of endeavors.  

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