Sunday, November 10, 2019

Changes in Teenage Lifestyle: Indonesia

Lifestyle is a person's behavior indicated in the activities, interests and opinions especially those related to self-image to reflect the social status. Modern lifestyle synonymous with luxury. Lifestyle is also very closely related to the times and technology. Increasing age and increasingly sophisticated technology, the more widespread implementation of lifestyle also by humans in everyday life. In another sense, lifestyle can give positive or negative effects for those who run it. Well, depending on how the person living it. Today, the lifestyle is often misused by most teenagers. Moreover, teens who are in a Metropolitan city. They tend to follow fashion lifestyle today. Of course, fashion that they copied from the west. If they can filter out the good and proper, then the effects may also be positive. But otherwise, if not good at filtering out of the western mode, it will negatively affect their own. One example of the lifestyle of teenagers who follow Western fashion in everyday life is a matter of â€Å"dressed†. Problems clad teenagers of today are always associated with the times and technology. Because, in Indonesia, particularly teenagers, in clothes always obeying the prevailing fashion. Even more sadly, in many tv stations show examples of life style in the teens dressed people who follow western fashion. Metropolitan Auto not only teenagers who follow fashion, but also the people who are in villages or countryside. The next example, lifestyle most teens follow the western culture is taking a drink – booze, drugs, and the like. They assume that if it does not consume these goods, then he will be judged as a society that is out of date or not slang. Most of the youth of Indonesia has not been able to filter culture with properly. So, the negative effect arising from the teen's own self. We know that the mode adopted by most western people deviate from the moral. While we are aware that Indonesia is famous for luhurnya kesopanannya and kindness. However, some Indonesian teenager then mimic or follow the Western mode without the filter is good and right. And maybe it would be bad for our future generations. Therefore, in this modern era of the all parents who have teenage children should monitor the social, friends, and lifestyles which they apply. And for the teens should be cautious in accepting the culture from the outside and should be able to filter the culture from the outside in good and proper.

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