Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Engineering Sustainabilty and Professional Practice for Concepts

Question: Discuss about theEngineering Sustainabilty and Professional Practice for Concepts. Answer: These compost bins would also be of great benefit to this community because the composted manure produced will be a cheaper fertilizer(De Bertoldi M. Bidlingmaier W. 2007). The use of the compost would increase the production of food in the area. This design would also be environmentally friendly as compared to the method of burning waste, which releases carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. The project would also be easy to locate in places far away from the sacred places of this community(Wiles 2015, p. 545). Therefore, the project would not negatively affect their culture. The project would be implemented in a hidden area such that the aesthetics of the area will be preserved. According to all these points, we decided the design was very much relevant to the citizens of East Santos. I contributed in researching how the design would affect the environment. That is, if the proposed design would cause pollution or climate change. I also researched on how the design would be affected by a change of climate. I found and recorded that the compost may have a very minimal risk to the environment, for example, if a plastic container is used, there could be breakage that would lead to the contents spilling out into the environment. If these contents find their way into the water, there would be a release of nitrogen that would be harmful to the ecosystems in such water bodies(Melby 2015). I also suggested that this could be avoided by building the design properly and ensuring the compost is located far away from water bodies. However, the design would not be negatively affected by the change in the climate. I confirmed, by use of research materials on the internet, that increase in temperature would actually increase the efficiency of the compost. My interaction with the other team members was moderately effective. I participated actively in the discussions of the team. I shared my ideas clearly and also listened to the ideas of the other team members. I took part in encouraging fellow team members to share their ideas and appreciated every person who expressed their ideas I realized listening attentively to the contributions of the others and asking questions where necessary made the others listen to me as well when I was bringing out my suggestions(Jedlicka 2010, p. 764). Criticizing without first appreciating the ideas brought forth by the other team members, although intended to get the best ideas, was not received positively by the group members and to some extent caused disconnect between the members(De Bertoldi M. Bidlingmaier W. 2007, p. 588). My voice was heard and the team recognized my contribution by agreeing that it was relevant to the design and I was assigned to write my contribution as part of the proposal that was presented. The team decided on the team leader(De Bertoldi M. Bidlingmaier W. 2007, p. 157). The function of the team leader was to lead the discussions in an organized manner, assign different tasks to each team member and decide the meeting time after consulting with the team members. Finally, the team leader would decide to compile all the contributions of the members or assign someone else to compile the teamwork. The team leader also encouraged everyone to actively participate in contributing ideas by making sure that all suggestions were considered important. The team leader set deadlines for completion of the assigned tasks. The first challenge we experienced as a team was communication(association 2016, p. 666). We realized some members were domineering. Some members contributed a lot while others were very silent. To solve this, the team leader asked that the silent members be given time to contribute their ideas. Still on communication, when the discussions were heated, we kept talking over each other. One team member was appointed to observe on our communication in order to remind us when we were interrupting the person speaking too often or when we were all talking at the same time. This helped a lot in improving the communication. We also experienced lack of commitment from a few team members at the start of teamwork. Some members would not show up for the group meetings. Some members showed up for the meetings but showed disinterest in the discussions(Melby 2015). The team leader emphasized that each person had to participate in order for their names to be included in the team report of the project. This motivated the team members to be committed and by the end of the design, everyone was participating actively. Another challenge was working as a team. At first, each team member was working alone towards bringing their contributions to the team. The team members agreed to involve each other more in the process of finding information. We improved in consulting each other even before the scheduled meeting as a whole team. References association, IRM 2016, Leardership and personnel management: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. Diaz L.F., De Bertoldi M. Bidlingmaier W. 2007, Compost science and technology, Elsevier, Boston, MA. Flint M. Hearn E.V. 2015, Leading teams: 10 challenges, 10 solutions. Hoitink, HAJ 1993, Science and engineering of composting: design, environmental, microbiological and utilization aspects; [proceedings of an international Composting Research Symposion held on March 1992], Ohio State Univ, Wooster. P., M 2015, Applied regenerative techniques, Wiley, New York. The Science of composting 1996, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. W., J 2010, Sustainable graphic design: tools, systems and strategies for innovative print design, John Wiley sons, Hoboken N.J.

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