Friday, December 27, 2019

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini - 1013 Words

â€Å"People find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections.† (Khaled Hosseini) The wise man that spoke these words also wrote the book The Kite Runner. Hosseini wrote this eye opening book to create awareness of what life is like in the Middle East. Since September 11th there has been a lot of prejudices against Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent. This book does not only open ones eye to life in the Middle East but it also there was a pernicious act that changes the protagonist and not for the better. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir is given that opportunity in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives. In the alley at that time†¦show more content†¦The rest of Amir’s life he lives with the guilt of that moment of his childhood all because he chooses to perfidy Hassan. Here is a heresy; Amir learns redemption does not always come in the way one hope it comes. There is a process in which he learns this such as: Realizing who he is as a person, his attempt to be guilt, free from his horrible choice, and how redemption actually shows up in his life. The book The Kite Runner describes Amir first during his childhood; at first we are given a sneak peak into his privileged life as a callow child. The people that are in this boys life is: his father who is wealthy and who he admires tremendously, His father’s best friend cares for Amir like he is his own son, his name is Rahim Khan. Then he has a great friend and servant, Hassan and his father Ali. Then it is uncovered that Amir is more tenuous, and his Hassan relationship is not all that great. Yes, there is jealousy, cruelty and power struggles by Amir. Nevertheless there is also devotion, loyalty, and affection between the two boys. The reader soon learns that Amir has anything but a fabulous life. Amir s mother died giving birth to him Amir feels responsible for his mother s death because he thinks he is at fault. It is obvious that she has left a void in his life, and to fill that void he gets into poetry and writing partly because of her and her books he found. To add on to

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hispanics Habits And Attitudes Towards Drinking - 1857 Words

Belin Romero SOC 4850-Prof. Park Literature Review 10/7/15 Hispanics habits and attitudes towards drinking â€Å"US born Latinos have higher rates of alcohol use than the Latino immigrants, but, not enough is known about the drinking patterns of Latinos before their migration to the USA† ( In this literature review, I will be comparing drinking habits and attitudes of different Latino population. In addition, this paper will attempt to further explore to which capacity do Latinos drinking habits and patterns cause concern and what are the underlying factors associated with such drinking habits. â€Å"Hispanics are one of the largest and most rapidly growing populations in the United States; they make up 16% or 50 million†¦show more content†¦Hispanics drink for many reasons, whether be cultural norms, beliefs and customs or due to other reasons such as isolation, migration, nostalgia and acculturation issues. How Much Do Hispanics Drink? How many Hispanics drink depends on their cultural upbringing or beliefs regarding drinking behavior? Not all Hispanics are the same and not all Hispanics have the same beliefs towards drinking. Drinking habits among Hispanics depends on what is socially acceptable in their respective countries, but, here in the United States drinking for Hispanics have different meanings. According to ( the drinking habits and patters of consumptions among Latinos changes due to many circumstances. â€Å"One reason that some Hispanics drink more than others here in the USA depends on factors such as accessibility and affordability†. Secondly, because of isolation from their loved ones as they become more susceptible to engage in risky drinking habits than in their countries. In most Hispanic cultures drinking revolves around gatherings with friends, celebrations of all types but, it is done in moderation, however; due to the isolation or being away from family drinking can lead to alcoholism for some. Another huge reason for the patterns of drinking is due to something called acculturation which; is adapting or learning, trying to adapt to other values, beliefs or behavior of a new culture such as the one in the united states. Acculturation is hard for anyone and trying to

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Computer Technology in Agriculture Essay Example For Students

Computer Technology in Agriculture Essay 2.1 Computer Technology in Agriculture Agribusiness, in twenty-first century has gone far off from merely about harvest production or farm animal agriculture and allied activities. Ecological factors which adversely affect to the environment have to be considered in current agricultural processs. Therefore eco-friendly sustainable agribusiness is presently the limelight in all over the universe, and the application of Computer Technology in Agriculture ( CTA ) has become more and more of import in order to deliver the environment. Enhancing the Agricultural Information Technology ( AIT ) has been the major mark of many developed and developing states in recent times in order to accomplish the construct of low costs and high income by scientifically pull offing the agriculture activities. Internet and related applications ( net based ) play a prima function in agribusiness in footings of supplying information to husbandmans and other people who involved in agricultural concern ( Arumapperuma, 2008 ) . Several sorts of agricultural forums and cognition based larning depositories on the Internet provide assortment of information of all sorts of agricultural subjects ( Edge et al. , 2011 ) . Some illustrations can be found in the web as ICT in Agriculture ( ) , NAFIS ( ) , AgNIC ( ) , KAiNet ( ) , AGIS ( ) , GIEWS Food Price Data and Analysis Tool ( ) , FarmerNet ( ) , GAIN ( hypertext transfer protocol: //gain.fas Discuss An Issue Of International Concern And Its Importance To You EssayHarmonizing to FAO statistics, in 2012, China is the taking wheat manufacturer in the universe with 120.6 Mt while India ( 94.9 Mt ) and USA ( 61.8 Mt ) were 2nd and 3rd manufacturers severally ( Table 2.1 ) . Within China, wheat is the 2nd most important grain harvest in footings of human nutrient after rice. In China, wheat is grown in most parts of the state particularly in the North. Wei and Fen River vale on the Loess tableland are most popular wheat lands in China in add-on to the lands in Sichuan, Hubei and Jiangsu states. Table 2.1Top 10 wheat bring forthing states in the universe ( FAOSTAT, 2013 ) Rank State Production ( Mt ) 1 China 120,580,320 2 India 94,880,000 3 United States of America 61,755,240 4 France 40,300,800 5 Russian Federation 37,719,640 6 Australia 29,905,009 7 Canada 27,012,900 8 Pakistan 23,517,000 9 Germany 22,432,000 10 Turkey 20,100,000 Table 2.2Top 5 cereal production in the universe ( FAOSTAT, 2013 ) Rank Commodity Production ( Mt ) 1 Maize 875,098,630 2 Rice 718,345,379 3 Wheat 674,884,372 4 Soies 253,137,072 5 Barley 132,350,224 2.2.2 Insect Plagues of Wheat Wheat is attacked by many insect plagues. But, fortuitously, merely a few insect species are potentially of import, doing terrible harm or eruption over big geographical countries. Most of the insect plague species are merely occasional plagues and are non doing pest eruption ( Prescott et al. , 1986 ) . This subdivision discusses merely major insect plagues including aphids, stink bugs, army worms, cutworms, cereal foliage beetle, thrips, hessian fly, wheat root maggot, white chow, wireworms. In add-on to these plagues, there are others such as sawfly, bullets, snails, grasshoppers, crickets and touchs, who can assail wheat works, but the harm is non terrible.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Learning The Hard Way Essays - , Term Papers

Learning The Hard Way Afer complenting my first two years of college in a tiny junior college in Kentucky, I enrolled in Illinois State University, confident that I would well, because I haad sone well in the past. The size of the place was a bit daunting. The first challenge was finding a parking space. Where before I had parked ion a tree-lined street and walked the short distance to the main calssroom building at Bthel junior College, now I was confronted with acres of parking spaces which seemed miles from the classroom buildings. Classes were not just up one hall or down the next, as I had grown increasingly oneous. Unike Southerners who greet everyone, including strangers, with Hey! people rarely spoke. On a campus of over 10,000 students, I felt completely salone. Years later, as a graduate student at increasingly larger schools, I recalled feelings overwhelmed by the size and (seeming) indifference of ISC. One defining moment got me off to a terrible start, adn I never recovered. During my very first class at Illinois, I walked into a classroom and took a desk among thirty other students. After the instructor, a thin, balding male, called roll, he looked up adn asked, Is there anyone whose name I didn't call? I put up my hand, and he walked over to my seat. What is your name? he asked, pencil poised to write. Cindy Horne, I replied. How do you spell that? he asked. H-a-w-e-r-n? No, sir. 'H-o-r-n-e, I replied. H-o-r-n-e? he repeated. Yes, sir. then your name is not'Hawern, he mimicked. Your name is 'Horne,' he said, barking it out in one short, explosive syllable, a way I had never heard. The other students laughed, and he turned and walked to the front of the class. But my face flushed deep scarlet, and my eyes dropped to my notebook. For a long time, I did not look up but fought back tears adn retreated somewhere inside a feeling that I was completely out of place. What might for him have merely been an innocent attempt at humor by poking fun at a Southerner to break the ice of the first-day jitters, deeply humiliated me. I must REALLY be stupid, I thought, to not even know how to pronounce my own name! Today, I would pronbley laugh. Then, I was deeply ashaned. I never finished class. I dropped out of the university before the term was over. i suddenly felt inadequate, and no amount of study restored my confiednce. Two years later, I returned to Kentucky, enrolled in a small liberal arts college, completed my bachelor's degree, and wernt on to become an art teacher. I had many good teachers, but I learned a great lesson from that insentive man with the roll book, a lesson which has helped shape my educaitonal philosophy. I am glad I learned that lesson, even if it was painful at the time. It's has made me a better person.