Friday, December 27, 2019

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini - 1013 Words

â€Å"People find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections.† (Khaled Hosseini) The wise man that spoke these words also wrote the book The Kite Runner. Hosseini wrote this eye opening book to create awareness of what life is like in the Middle East. Since September 11th there has been a lot of prejudices against Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent. This book does not only open ones eye to life in the Middle East but it also there was a pernicious act that changes the protagonist and not for the better. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir is given that opportunity in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives. In the alley at that time†¦show more content†¦The rest of Amir’s life he lives with the guilt of that moment of his childhood all because he chooses to perfidy Hassan. Here is a heresy; Amir learns redemption does not always come in the way one hope it comes. There is a process in which he learns this such as: Realizing who he is as a person, his attempt to be guilt, free from his horrible choice, and how redemption actually shows up in his life. The book The Kite Runner describes Amir first during his childhood; at first we are given a sneak peak into his privileged life as a callow child. The people that are in this boys life is: his father who is wealthy and who he admires tremendously, His father’s best friend cares for Amir like he is his own son, his name is Rahim Khan. Then he has a great friend and servant, Hassan and his father Ali. Then it is uncovered that Amir is more tenuous, and his Hassan relationship is not all that great. Yes, there is jealousy, cruelty and power struggles by Amir. Nevertheless there is also devotion, loyalty, and affection between the two boys. The reader soon learns that Amir has anything but a fabulous life. Amir s mother died giving birth to him Amir feels responsible for his mother s death because he thinks he is at fault. It is obvious that she has left a void in his life, and to fill that void he gets into poetry and writing partly because of her and her books he found. To add on to

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