Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Reflective Report Which Discusses Key Issues Related to...

A reflective report which discusses key issues related to the successful inclusion of all learners in mathematical activity and enquiry. Introduction. In this essay I plan to write a reflective and analytical report as to how all children, taking into account their individual needs, can be included successfully in engaging in mathematical activities and enquiries in the daily numeracy hour. I will focus on the issues of providing a curriculum which can be accessed by all learners, the importance of differentiating the content and delivery of mathematics lessons to suit children with different learning styles and abilities, the tensions between inclusive education and the ideals set out in the National Curriculum and National Numeracy†¦show more content†¦One such strategy that I have utilised in teaching the properties of two and three dimensional shapes to children, is to instruct them to make up a rhyme or a rap which contains all the facts which they need to remember. These were then recorded onto an audio tape, to refer back to if they were unable to recall the information. Visual learners will respond most effectively to learning through looking at visual stimulus such as pictures, charts, diagrams, moving images from television or animations and usually remember more of what has been seen, rather than what has been heard. Visual learners need to be given the opportunity to use resources such as picture games, number lines, cut out shapes and abacuses which promote the learning of mathematical concepts. They need to be given the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding using charts, graphs and pictures. Kinaesthetic learners can be defined as having a preference to engage with the experience physicallyÂ…modelling the point with hands and bodies and becoming animated as they do so. They learn through experience, movement, modelling and feel frustrated more readily with other forms of learning (Smith, A. 2001. p.173). A mathematics lesson which successfully includes kinaesthetic learners will involve activities such as children devising and playing boardShow MoreRelated THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES65118 Words   |  261 Pageshas provided the data that made this study possible. In addition, I wish to acknowledge my friend, Dr. Wong Lea Choung’s contribution in proofreading my thesis. This acknowledgement would be incomplete without mentioning my family, friends, peer learners, and colleagues for the interest shown in my pursuit of this degree, for the continuous support and encouragement. To each and every one of you, I must humbly say, â€Å"Thank you!† iii Dedication This thesis is dedicated to my wife, Irene, for the

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