Friday, December 27, 2019

The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini - 1013 Words

â€Å"People find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections.† (Khaled Hosseini) The wise man that spoke these words also wrote the book The Kite Runner. Hosseini wrote this eye opening book to create awareness of what life is like in the Middle East. Since September 11th there has been a lot of prejudices against Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent. This book does not only open ones eye to life in the Middle East but it also there was a pernicious act that changes the protagonist and not for the better. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir is given that opportunity in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives. In the alley at that time†¦show more content†¦The rest of Amir’s life he lives with the guilt of that moment of his childhood all because he chooses to perfidy Hassan. Here is a heresy; Amir learns redemption does not always come in the way one hope it comes. There is a process in which he learns this such as: Realizing who he is as a person, his attempt to be guilt, free from his horrible choice, and how redemption actually shows up in his life. The book The Kite Runner describes Amir first during his childhood; at first we are given a sneak peak into his privileged life as a callow child. The people that are in this boys life is: his father who is wealthy and who he admires tremendously, His father’s best friend cares for Amir like he is his own son, his name is Rahim Khan. Then he has a great friend and servant, Hassan and his father Ali. Then it is uncovered that Amir is more tenuous, and his Hassan relationship is not all that great. Yes, there is jealousy, cruelty and power struggles by Amir. Nevertheless there is also devotion, loyalty, and affection between the two boys. The reader soon learns that Amir has anything but a fabulous life. Amir s mother died giving birth to him Amir feels responsible for his mother s death because he thinks he is at fault. It is obvious that she has left a void in his life, and to fill that void he gets into poetry and writing partly because of her and her books he found. To add on to

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hispanics Habits And Attitudes Towards Drinking - 1857 Words

Belin Romero SOC 4850-Prof. Park Literature Review 10/7/15 Hispanics habits and attitudes towards drinking â€Å"US born Latinos have higher rates of alcohol use than the Latino immigrants, but, not enough is known about the drinking patterns of Latinos before their migration to the USA† ( In this literature review, I will be comparing drinking habits and attitudes of different Latino population. In addition, this paper will attempt to further explore to which capacity do Latinos drinking habits and patterns cause concern and what are the underlying factors associated with such drinking habits. â€Å"Hispanics are one of the largest and most rapidly growing populations in the United States; they make up 16% or 50 million†¦show more content†¦Hispanics drink for many reasons, whether be cultural norms, beliefs and customs or due to other reasons such as isolation, migration, nostalgia and acculturation issues. How Much Do Hispanics Drink? How many Hispanics drink depends on their cultural upbringing or beliefs regarding drinking behavior? Not all Hispanics are the same and not all Hispanics have the same beliefs towards drinking. Drinking habits among Hispanics depends on what is socially acceptable in their respective countries, but, here in the United States drinking for Hispanics have different meanings. According to ( the drinking habits and patters of consumptions among Latinos changes due to many circumstances. â€Å"One reason that some Hispanics drink more than others here in the USA depends on factors such as accessibility and affordability†. Secondly, because of isolation from their loved ones as they become more susceptible to engage in risky drinking habits than in their countries. In most Hispanic cultures drinking revolves around gatherings with friends, celebrations of all types but, it is done in moderation, however; due to the isolation or being away from family drinking can lead to alcoholism for some. Another huge reason for the patterns of drinking is due to something called acculturation which; is adapting or learning, trying to adapt to other values, beliefs or behavior of a new culture such as the one in the united states. Acculturation is hard for anyone and trying to

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Computer Technology in Agriculture Essay Example For Students

Computer Technology in Agriculture Essay 2.1 Computer Technology in Agriculture Agribusiness, in twenty-first century has gone far off from merely about harvest production or farm animal agriculture and allied activities. Ecological factors which adversely affect to the environment have to be considered in current agricultural processs. Therefore eco-friendly sustainable agribusiness is presently the limelight in all over the universe, and the application of Computer Technology in Agriculture ( CTA ) has become more and more of import in order to deliver the environment. Enhancing the Agricultural Information Technology ( AIT ) has been the major mark of many developed and developing states in recent times in order to accomplish the construct of low costs and high income by scientifically pull offing the agriculture activities. Internet and related applications ( net based ) play a prima function in agribusiness in footings of supplying information to husbandmans and other people who involved in agricultural concern ( Arumapperuma, 2008 ) . Several sorts of agricultural forums and cognition based larning depositories on the Internet provide assortment of information of all sorts of agricultural subjects ( Edge et al. , 2011 ) . Some illustrations can be found in the web as ICT in Agriculture ( ) , NAFIS ( ) , AgNIC ( ) , KAiNet ( ) , AGIS ( ) , GIEWS Food Price Data and Analysis Tool ( ) , FarmerNet ( ) , GAIN ( hypertext transfer protocol: //gain.fas Discuss An Issue Of International Concern And Its Importance To You EssayHarmonizing to FAO statistics, in 2012, China is the taking wheat manufacturer in the universe with 120.6 Mt while India ( 94.9 Mt ) and USA ( 61.8 Mt ) were 2nd and 3rd manufacturers severally ( Table 2.1 ) . Within China, wheat is the 2nd most important grain harvest in footings of human nutrient after rice. In China, wheat is grown in most parts of the state particularly in the North. Wei and Fen River vale on the Loess tableland are most popular wheat lands in China in add-on to the lands in Sichuan, Hubei and Jiangsu states. Table 2.1Top 10 wheat bring forthing states in the universe ( FAOSTAT, 2013 ) Rank State Production ( Mt ) 1 China 120,580,320 2 India 94,880,000 3 United States of America 61,755,240 4 France 40,300,800 5 Russian Federation 37,719,640 6 Australia 29,905,009 7 Canada 27,012,900 8 Pakistan 23,517,000 9 Germany 22,432,000 10 Turkey 20,100,000 Table 2.2Top 5 cereal production in the universe ( FAOSTAT, 2013 ) Rank Commodity Production ( Mt ) 1 Maize 875,098,630 2 Rice 718,345,379 3 Wheat 674,884,372 4 Soies 253,137,072 5 Barley 132,350,224 2.2.2 Insect Plagues of Wheat Wheat is attacked by many insect plagues. But, fortuitously, merely a few insect species are potentially of import, doing terrible harm or eruption over big geographical countries. Most of the insect plague species are merely occasional plagues and are non doing pest eruption ( Prescott et al. , 1986 ) . This subdivision discusses merely major insect plagues including aphids, stink bugs, army worms, cutworms, cereal foliage beetle, thrips, hessian fly, wheat root maggot, white chow, wireworms. In add-on to these plagues, there are others such as sawfly, bullets, snails, grasshoppers, crickets and touchs, who can assail wheat works, but the harm is non terrible.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Learning The Hard Way Essays - , Term Papers

Learning The Hard Way Afer complenting my first two years of college in a tiny junior college in Kentucky, I enrolled in Illinois State University, confident that I would well, because I haad sone well in the past. The size of the place was a bit daunting. The first challenge was finding a parking space. Where before I had parked ion a tree-lined street and walked the short distance to the main calssroom building at Bthel junior College, now I was confronted with acres of parking spaces which seemed miles from the classroom buildings. Classes were not just up one hall or down the next, as I had grown increasingly oneous. Unike Southerners who greet everyone, including strangers, with Hey! people rarely spoke. On a campus of over 10,000 students, I felt completely salone. Years later, as a graduate student at increasingly larger schools, I recalled feelings overwhelmed by the size and (seeming) indifference of ISC. One defining moment got me off to a terrible start, adn I never recovered. During my very first class at Illinois, I walked into a classroom and took a desk among thirty other students. After the instructor, a thin, balding male, called roll, he looked up adn asked, Is there anyone whose name I didn't call? I put up my hand, and he walked over to my seat. What is your name? he asked, pencil poised to write. Cindy Horne, I replied. How do you spell that? he asked. H-a-w-e-r-n? No, sir. 'H-o-r-n-e, I replied. H-o-r-n-e? he repeated. Yes, sir. then your name is not'Hawern, he mimicked. Your name is 'Horne,' he said, barking it out in one short, explosive syllable, a way I had never heard. The other students laughed, and he turned and walked to the front of the class. But my face flushed deep scarlet, and my eyes dropped to my notebook. For a long time, I did not look up but fought back tears adn retreated somewhere inside a feeling that I was completely out of place. What might for him have merely been an innocent attempt at humor by poking fun at a Southerner to break the ice of the first-day jitters, deeply humiliated me. I must REALLY be stupid, I thought, to not even know how to pronounce my own name! Today, I would pronbley laugh. Then, I was deeply ashaned. I never finished class. I dropped out of the university before the term was over. i suddenly felt inadequate, and no amount of study restored my confiednce. Two years later, I returned to Kentucky, enrolled in a small liberal arts college, completed my bachelor's degree, and wernt on to become an art teacher. I had many good teachers, but I learned a great lesson from that insentive man with the roll book, a lesson which has helped shape my educaitonal philosophy. I am glad I learned that lesson, even if it was painful at the time. It's has made me a better person.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The first major experiment on conformity The WritePass Journal

The first major experiment on conformity Introduction The first major experiment on conformity IntroductionReferences:Related Introduction Conformity is defined as the act of matching attitude, beliefs and behaviour to what individual perceive as normal of their society or social group (Wikipedia ). Conformity is something that happens in everyday life. People conform because they like to be in a group or to go along with the group or society. This is the reason why we see same fashion, taste of music, movies, cars and many things of similar choices. So can we imagine a life without conformity? And what are the reasons of conformity. There are many reasons of conformity such as   normative social influence, informative social influence and social role conformity. The psychologists in the past have done researches on conformity. For example, Muzafer Sheriff (1938), Asch (1951), and Philip Zimbado (1973) had conducted experiments on why people confirm. In addition   Kelman (1958) identified three types of conformity. Compliance a type of conformity when people conform due to the views, opinions and beliefs of their fr iends or society. Internalization a type of conformity when one confirms to match a group and   Identification   a type of conformity when one adapts to a new behaviour of a group’s   view both privately and publicly. The first major experiment on conformity was done by Sherif (1935). He did an experiment to study the conformity. He wanted to see why people conform. With the use of auto kinetic effect, he asked the participants to look at the stationary spot of light in a darkened room in which small movements of the eyes made the light move. First, the participants were tested individually and then later in small groups of three. The answers were different when asked in individual   about the movement of light .Even so, when they were put in the group they ended up with similar answers to each other. This experiment showed that people conformed when in an ambiguous situation. They tend to seek informations and answers from others. However, this experiment was a total artificial situation so lacked ecological validity. The situation was unlikely to come across in everyday life. Moreover, there was no definite answer for it On the other hand, Asch (1951) conducted an experiment on conformity to see why people conform on an unambiguous situation. He   criticized Sherif’s experiment and suggested that the experiment had no definite answer .Asch `s experiment in contrast had a definite answer to the Sherif`s experiment. For this experiment, he participated seven people (confederates) whom were already told about the   behaviour beforehand, whereas one who was the real participant (subject) was not known about the experiment and believed that the others were also the real participants. The task was very simple to compare the line X with others A, B and C lines. Each participants were to deliver the answer aloud.   On each trial, the real participant was asked at last about his opinions on the lines. Asch found that the subject showed the influence by the majority and gave the wrong answers on average of 37% .74% at least conformed once and 26% never conformed. After the post experimental interv iew he concluded that people go along with the views of others for different reasons. Similarly, in 1980 the exact experiment was repeated by Perrin and Spencer with chemistry, engineering and mathematics students. In contrast to the result of Asch’s experiment ,conformity was high on only one trial out of 369 trials. So Perrin and Spencer (1980) suggested Asch study as â€Å"Child of its own time.† Asch’s experiment was   artificial as it was unlikely to come across in everyday life. And it was done at that time when Americans were high on conformity. In addition all the participants were males as the wider population was   ignored Philip Zimbado (1973) also conducted an experiment to see how people adapt to new roles of guards and prisoners. At that time in America, there were many reports of brutal attacks on prisoners by guards. So he was interested in finding out why the guards behave in such a way, was it because of the   sadistic personalities of the guard or   due to the environment of   the prison. The experiment was conducted on the basement of the Stanford University so was known as â€Å"Stanfords prison experiment†. For this, he selected   twenty- four students to become prisoners and guards, and he became the superintendent. He wanted to make the situation real so the ones who became prisoners were arrested with handcuffs and were put in the prison. They were given   prisoner’s uniforms and were referred by the numbers where as the ones who were guards were given military uniforms and were equipped with wooden batons and mirror shades glasses. The stimulation became so real that the guards became brutal   and sadist so the experiment had to stop in six days, which were rather planned for two weeks. From this experiment, he came to the conclusion that people conform to their social roles especially if the roles were strongly stereotype as the prison guards. The student who played the guards was not brutal before. After the post experimental interview he found out that people enjoyed the power and that the role had strongly influenced their behaviour and attitudes. Nevertheless, the experiment had important ethnical issues as the prisoners were mentally and physically tortured. Importantly mock prison was different from the real one, and the students were role playing. Apart from those reasons of conformity, there are various factors that influence the conformity .We humans are very complicated animals with lots of individual differences. Conformity also as well differs in individuals, and are influenced by many factors such as cultural, historical, gender, group size and so on. According to social psychologist culture are of two types, individualist culture such as of American and British and collective cultures such as of Asian and African. In individualist culture people tend to view oneself more   individually where as in collective they tend to view themselves as the member of   a group or society. So conformity tends to be high in collective cultures compare to individualist cultures. Historically, in 1950s Americans were high on conformity. It was the time when Asch conducted an experiment on conformity. Some studies have also found gender   differences in the conformity and found that higher conformity in women than in men. However, E agly (1978) suggested that the sex differences were due to their different social roles. Another important is the group size. Conformity is found higher in groups of three to five. On the other hand, conformity highly decreases when there is a lack of unanimity. When the tasks are more difficult, people are more   likely to conform as they seek others for information and answer. In addition if the person is knowledgeable he may stick and believes himself and may not go along with the group so are low in conformity. In conclusion, conformity is going along with the group for different reasons at various situations. It is something that dominates our lives. It happens everyday, and we cannot run from the fact that conformity exists in a society. In short it is about our society and the interaction we have in our society. It is neither   good nor bad but sometimes conformity is helpful sometimes not. Besides there are many types of conformity such as compliance, Internalisation and identification. Psychologists   had done various researches or experiments on conformity and different findings ,opinions and criticism were made. Sherif, Asch, and Zimbado have fairly justified the experiments. However, these things are unlikely to come across in everyday life. Besides, conformity is   influenced by factors such as cultural, historical, gender, type of task, size of the group and so many other factors. References: Michael W. Eysenck (2008) AS Level Psychology, Fourth Edition. East Sussex: Psychology Press Ltd. Mark Holah. Conformity. Available: Last accessed on 19/04/2011. McLeod, S.A (2007) Simply Psychology [On-line] UK Available: Accessed on 19/04/2011.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

alexander the great was not worthy of his title essays

alexander the great was not worthy of his title essays Alexander the Great did not deserve his title. Alexander the Great ruled from 356-323 BC. During this time he conquered a huge area of territory, amassing for himself a large land empire. However he was also responsible for the death of thousands of his own men. Although being one of the greatest generals of all time, he was in reality a selfish, drunk who used one of the most powerful armies of his time, for his own self-glorification. Alexander the Great did not deserve his title. Alexander was born in Pella, Macedonia. His father was the famous general Phillip the second, his mother was Queen Olympias, princess of Eupirus. At the age of thirteen Alexanders father employed the greatest mind of the time, Aristotle, to be his tutor. Aristotle educated Alexander in the ways of life as well as about literature, science, medicine and philosophy. He introduced the Illiad to Alexander, which he then learnt off by heart and kept a copy of it with him when he went on expeditions. Alexander first gained military power when his father was making an expedition against Byzantium Alexander, although he was only 16 and 9 months old he left behind as regent of Macedonia. (Plutarch, 1973. P260). At this time he was an acting commander of his fathers army. In 336BC at the young age of 20 he inherited the powerful empire of Macedonia. With this inheritance he gained control of its army which consisted of 40 000 infantry and 7 000 cavalry. This was said to be the best trained standing army of the time. Alexander wanted to be glorified as the greatest general; the only way he knew how to do this was by conquering other cities, so he did. Within ten years he had defeated the Persians, defeated Egypt, India, Iran and even Afghanistan. With this he was said to be one of the greatest generals. On the basis of writing in Roman times, who measured success by the number of body-bags used, they deemed him great. ( Dup ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health and environment questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health and environment questions - Essay Example The lack of people to work and maintain the environmental and economical structure will cause significant problems, as there will not be enough people working. This means that industries such as coal mining and other industrial operations will have to be suspended or short cuts might have to be make to cut down on costs and manpower, which can result in environmental damage (Avert, 2011). Developed countries have the resources and the support in order to help countries such as Botswana with the AIDS epidemic. The first method of supporting can come from the economic funding as well as donating supplies. Many of Africa’s countries are already undeveloped and many of the people live in poverty. If they are able to afford proper medical supplies, they most likely cannot afford anything else. Funding can help alleviate financial pressure as well as make sure needed supplies reach the people. Services can also be given. Like in Botswana, many children are being orphaned and are not receiving proper care and education. Taking these children and putting them in foster homes as well as volunteering and helping educate the problem will help make sure these displaced children learn. Lastly, the biggest component is helping with the medical aspects of HIV/AIDS. Currently, the retroviruses are untreatable and the medical costs of trying to maintain those with the disease are increasingly expensive. Many countries in Africa are unable to afford the costs of trying to research a cure and other alternative medicines for the disease. Developed countries have the technology and the funds, which can help pay for this research, which would have longer positive value than just maintaining the status quo through medical supplies. 2. Honestly, the case of â€Å"better safe than sorry† is more situational dependent. Sometimes in radical situations, fast acting decisions must be made in order to solve the problem at hand, rather than looking that the long-term consequenc es. In terms of medication and thinking about Africa with the AIDS epidemic, this should not be the case. There are many different factors that are already affecting everything from the economy to society itself. Many experimental drugs can have unpredicted side effects. Without knowing all of the facts about the medicines, it would be hard to predict whether they are effective or not. In some cases, they can even cause more damage. According to the precautionary principle, â€Å"the ends would be worth the means†. Opponents of this principle state that especially when dealing with medication, there must be a high degree of likelihood that the medication will work must be at a high percentile. In addition, the biological causality and mechanisms undergoing must be explained and cannot be explained by a correlation. A high probability indicates scientific proof (Kopelman, Resnick, & Weed, 2004). In talking about AIDS, this irresponsibility with the precautionary principle effe cted people in the United States in the 1980s with the transmission of HIV. This occurred because the premise of blood disease and infections was downplayed by medical authorities resulting in many people being unnecessarily infected with the virus (Alban, 2005). 3. Global warming is a life-changing event, which is currently and will change the way in which our society works. It has resulted as a result of human interactions with the Earth and its resources. Increased carbon emissions have caused

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How proteins in the diet are disassembled and then reassembled to form Essay

How proteins in the diet are disassembled and then reassembled to form useful proteins in the body - Essay Example These enzymes are dipeptidases, carboxypeptidase and aminopeptidase. Since the intestinal absorption of proteins is only possible in amino acid form and peptide form so they must be broken down into amino acids and peptides. These absorbed peptides are dipeptides and tripeptides. After absorption they are transported into the cells by various transporters and channels depending upon the internal environment. Up till now, all the disassembly of proteins is extracellularly done. After this, the entire breakdown is done inside the cell called intracellular protein degradation. Inside the cell, they are taken by phagocytosis; the food vacuole is fused with lysosome. The lysosomal enzymes further degrade di and tri peptides into amino acids. Different digestive enzymes have different specificity towards their substrate. For example trypsin cleaves positively charged residue including arginine and lysine. Similarly, chymotrypsin cleaves the aromatic residues consisting of tyrosine, phenyla lanine and tryptophan. Elastase breaks the bond of small non-polar residues (alanine and glycine). If these digestive enzymes are activated without any stimulus (as protein in the diet is the stimulus for their secretion), it will lead to auto-digestion of the pancreas leading to pancreatitis, that’s why they are always secreted in an inactivated form. This inactivated form is called zymogen. Zymogen for trypsin is called as trypsinogen. It is activated by enzyme enterokinase (secreted by duodenal mucosa). Pepsin is also secreted in an inactivated form as it leads to auto-digestion of stomach. That inactivated form is called as pepsinogen which is activated in an acidic medium. The pancreas secretes the precursors of a number of proteases, such as trypsin and chymotrypsin. The intracellular degradation of protein results in the formation of amino acids. They are also degraded by ubiquitin system. After entering in the blood, amino acids are used for several purposes. One of t hem is also the formation of proteins for the body. Protein is also a structural component of cells. Plasma membrane and membranes of cellular organelles is also made of proteins. So amino acids in the blood are used for the protein formation. It is a complicated process. Any mistake or error in this can lead to many diseases as discussed in the end of this essay. The assembly of proteins is called as Protein biosynthesis. It is called as Translation which involves the assembly of proteins. Translation is only possible if mRNA is available and it is formed by the process called translation. The reassembly involves two processes transcription and translation. In transcription an mRNA is generated. It is template of one strand of double helix DNA. Transcription involves three steps: initiation of mRNA, elongation of mRNA chain and termination of transcription. Each and every step is regulated by a large number of proteins. These are transcription factors co-factors and coactivators. T heir major function is to ensure that the correct and required sequence of gene is transcribed. The process of transcription occurs in the nucleus. The double helix DNA is "unzipped" or opened by the breakdown of hydrogen bonds between the two strands by helicase. Primer attaches to the site and is followed by an initiator. Then elongation of the chain occurs by placing nitrogenous bases. The bonding occurs between adenine and uracil and guanine and cytosine.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Country blues Essay Example for Free

Country blues Essay Blues evolved from an unaccompanied vocal music and oral tradition of African-American slaves and rural blacks in to a wide variety of styles and subgenres with regional variations across United States and later Europe and Africa. The musical forms and styles arose in the same region during the nineteenth century in the southern United States The country blues has been given several names such as folk blues, rural blues, backwoods blues, or down home blues. Blues is a choral and instrumental form of composition which is based on the use of the blue notes. This style originated in the Africa – American (Black Americans) communities of the United States. This kind of music transverse wide range of emotions and musical style . feeling blue is expressed in songs whose verses laments injustice or express longing for better life lost loves, jobs, and money. The central concept of blues performance is to be able to enable one to overcome sadness and lose the blues. Historically, the blues’ popularity coincides with the rise of the commercial recording industry, the introduction of race records aimed at black record –buyers after the year 1920, and the emigration of the black- Americans from the rural south to the modern urban North. (Philip, 1999) The country blues is usually considered to be an earlier form of the genre was first record in the mid-1920s . to day, there are several regional styles of country blues, which includes delta blues from the Mississippi delta. Texas blues and piedmont blues from the southeast . originally, country blues was usually recorded by a single singer, accompanied on the guitar or piano, with perhaps an accompanying harmonica, simple percussion. Starting year of 1930s, blues musicians fell under the influence of the urban cultures thus including the music and jazz. After the Second World War, the instruments were improvised hence electrified one were now in use . these included saxophones and amplified harmonicas. Especially in Chicago which is a prominent centre of blues recording Country blues were constructed from a much more diverse fluid musical field participated in by black and some white people. The use of blue notes and the performance of call-and response pattern in the music and lyrics art h indicators of African influences. The blues influenced the Americans and westerns popular music and then become integrated n to the genre of jazz, bluegrass, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, hip- hop and other popular music form. There are a few characteristics common to all blues due to the integration of other forms of music . some of the characteristic that were present long before the creation of the modern blues are cal –and response shouts which were functional expression. This was heard in slave fields shout sand holler, expanded into simple solo song laden with emotional content. The blues is nowadays known and seen musical style for both Europeans harmonic structure and the West Africa. Call-and responds tradition, transformed into interplay of voice and guitar. (Philip, 1999) The diddled bow ,which is a homemade one- stringed instrument was found in parts of America south in the early twenties century and Are African derived instrument that has assisted in the transferring of African performance techniques into the early blues instrumental vocabulary. also in the continued development of the blues music ,they adopted elements from Ethiopian and negro, including instrumental and harmonic accompaniment . he blues were loosely relate to ragtime but they preserved better the original melodic pattern of African music. ’ blues songs nowadays show many different structures which are based on tonic dominant chords and subdominant chords. These are all common in music the standard 12-bars is now recognized and documented form of blues from oral history and sheet music in African American communities through region along the lower Mississippi river. Original lyric form if blues was a single line repeated four times. The current most common structure is the repetition off one line once and this is followed by a single line conclusion. Early blues often were in the form of lose narrative where the singer expressed his or her personal woes in a world of harsh reality like a lost love, the cruelty of police officers, oppression at the hands of white folk, and hard times therefore the most oldest blues are records of gritty realistic information’s as it is in contrast with much popular music recorded at the time. Studies shows that the origin of blues spirituals was inside the exposure of slaves to their whites hence gospels origination. (Tony, 2004) The development of the blues was also triggered by the acculturation of the ex-slave population there was however ,essential africannesss in many aspects of the blues expression the social economic reasons for the appearance of the blues is that there was a transition from the slavery to sharecropping ,small-scale agricultural production and the blues have acted as a source of encouragement to them through the relief of third burdens through the interest that other communities have development, they get encourage to be the pioneers of impacting and framed kid f music thus they used in themes way in advertisements. The early 1900s development from group performance to more individualized style was associated with the newly acquired freedom of the enslaved people and again there was, according to Lawrence, there was a direct relationship between the national ideological emphases upon the individual teaching. Such developments were increased due to high perfumers had brought African-American music to new audiences both within the u. s and abroad. Great performers’ in19960s like John Lee Hooker continued to perform at enthusiastic audiences thus inspiring new artists in the traditional blues. Many compilations of classical prewar blues were published and together with music festivals, these brought blues to new audiences. White audiences’ interest in the blues also increased due to Chicago based movement in 1980s, blues to The resent both traditional and new genres are still being popular blue styles forms ,melodies and the blues scale have given a profound impact to the black community and the world ethnic groups as whole . First, these blue musical styles, forms and melodies have influenced many other genres of music. their scale has been everywhere in the popular music forms and informs many modal frames especially the ladder of the thirds used in the music . blues are also used by the community to pass their message to oppressors which I believed has lead the release of slave and the total banning of slavery and racism in the United State. (Davis, 1995) The most important direct predecessor of the blues was the spiritual, a form of religious song with its roots in the camp meeting of the great awakening of the early 19th century. So blues songs Spirituals were passionate song forms, which convey to listeners the same feeling of rootless ness and misery as the blues. This acts as a reminder of there past historical events hence their pasts grieves, . i. e. , Spirituals, however, were less specifically concerning the performer, instead about the general loneliness of mankind, and were more figurative than direct in their lyrics. Despite the earlier differences of the African- Americans and the Americans races have been brought together to interact by the interesting blues music. Blues have played important role of bring unity between the two enemies. The blues form styles acts as way of maintaining the vulture of Africans. This is evidence from the past records which still are much thrilling to many musicians. Though the different forms of blues are similar enough that they can not be easily separated many spirituals would probably have been called blues had that word been in wide use at the time. The social and economic reasons for the appearance of the blues are also important factors. This is because they brought a change in the economic development through the emergence of publishing industry. Blues has evolved from an unaccompanied vocal. Music of poor black laborers into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the United States and this has been commercialized. (Davis, 1995) References Davis, F. (1995): the History of the Blues. New York: Hyperion Garofalo, R. (1997): Rockin Out: Popular Music in the USA. Allyn Bacon Lawrence W. L. (1977): Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom, Oxford University Press Philip, V. B. (1999): Immigrant, folk, and regional music in the twentieth century, in The Cambridge History of American Music, ed. David Nicholls Cambridge University Press Tony, B. (2004): Afro-Blue: Improvisations in African American Poetry and Culture University of Illinois Press

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Start of Islam Essay -- Islam Muslim Religion

The Start of Islam   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Out of the many interesting religions of the Far East Islam has quite a uniqueness to it. The name, Islam stems from the word â€Å"salam,† that means peace. The word â€Å"Muslim,† which means a follower of Islam, refers to a person who submits him or her self to the will of God. Many religious experts believe that the prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the year 622 CE. Muhammad was believed to have lived from 570-632 CE. This particular religion started when the angel Jibreel read the first revelation to Muhammad. We know already that the followers of Islam are called Muslims. The Muslims believe in the â€Å"one true God,† which they call Allah.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muhammad was born in the year 570 CE. When he was growing up, he was sent into the desert in order for a roster family to raise him. The young Muhammad was orphaned when he was 6 years old but brought up by his uncle. While Muhammad was young, he worked mostly as a shepherd. Later on in his youth, he was given the job of being a camel driver on the trade routes between Syria and Arabia. Throughout his travel, he meat many people of different religious beliefs. Muhammad was able to observe members of Christianity, Pagan, and Judaism religions. After Muhammad married, there was more time for meditation for him. Supposedly, at or around the age of forty, the angel Gabriel (Jibreel) visited him while he was in Mecca. From then on he believed that he had been ordained a prophet by Gabriel, and that his concern was co...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Personal Qualities Essay

1. Characterization: What do you learn about the attitudes, beliefs, and personal qualities of the duke and the king from their words and actions? In what way is the characterization of the duke and the king satiric? Consider their claims about their lineage, their acting, and the faulty historical and literary allusions they make. What is Twain suggesting by having the king and the duke pull their first â€Å"con† at a religious revival? The duke and king have little sense of right and wrong, or at least choose to ignore it. they are unlearned  but fairly intelligent men who think more highly of themselves than they ought to, as is strongly hinted at by their claims to lineage, and they take pride and joy in swindling others of their money, heedless of religion or other core principles held by most people. This doesn’t change at all. ThEww characters are satiric towards society as a whole, putting money before all else. 2. Theme: What epiphany does Huck have in Ch. 23 that advances his inner conflict? What theme is Twain addressing? Buck realizes that Jim has a family as well, and can feel just like any other man. Here, twain is addressing the theme of equality. 3.  Pathos: A quality in a work or a portion thereof that makes the reader experience pity, sorrow, or tenderness is called pathos. Generally the character is pathetic, helpless, and/or an innocent victim suffering through no fault of his or her own. Identify and explain an example of pathos in Ch. 23. Twain uses pathos when he writes how Jim is homesick and misses his family, and how Jim feels guilty for beating his daughter, not knowing she was deaf. This is a sad story, used to evoke emotion from the reader, thus making the passage more enticing. Twain does this throughout the book in order to hold the attention of the reader.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Changes in Teenage Lifestyle: Indonesia

Lifestyle is a person's behavior indicated in the activities, interests and opinions especially those related to self-image to reflect the social status. Modern lifestyle synonymous with luxury. Lifestyle is also very closely related to the times and technology. Increasing age and increasingly sophisticated technology, the more widespread implementation of lifestyle also by humans in everyday life. In another sense, lifestyle can give positive or negative effects for those who run it. Well, depending on how the person living it. Today, the lifestyle is often misused by most teenagers. Moreover, teens who are in a Metropolitan city. They tend to follow fashion lifestyle today. Of course, fashion that they copied from the west. If they can filter out the good and proper, then the effects may also be positive. But otherwise, if not good at filtering out of the western mode, it will negatively affect their own. One example of the lifestyle of teenagers who follow Western fashion in everyday life is a matter of â€Å"dressed†. Problems clad teenagers of today are always associated with the times and technology. Because, in Indonesia, particularly teenagers, in clothes always obeying the prevailing fashion. Even more sadly, in many tv stations show examples of life style in the teens dressed people who follow western fashion. Metropolitan Auto not only teenagers who follow fashion, but also the people who are in villages or countryside. The next example, lifestyle most teens follow the western culture is taking a drink – booze, drugs, and the like. They assume that if it does not consume these goods, then he will be judged as a society that is out of date or not slang. Most of the youth of Indonesia has not been able to filter culture with properly. So, the negative effect arising from the teen's own self. We know that the mode adopted by most western people deviate from the moral. While we are aware that Indonesia is famous for luhurnya kesopanannya and kindness. However, some Indonesian teenager then mimic or follow the Western mode without the filter is good and right. And maybe it would be bad for our future generations. Therefore, in this modern era of the all parents who have teenage children should monitor the social, friends, and lifestyles which they apply. And for the teens should be cautious in accepting the culture from the outside and should be able to filter the culture from the outside in good and proper.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Self Handicapping Essays

Self Handicapping Essays Self Handicapping Essay Self Handicapping Essay Self Handicapping Self-Handicapping Nate is often late wherever he goes. He overslept this morning, but blamed his alarm for not being loud enough. He was also too tired from the night before because his daughter was up sick most of the night. He forgoes exercise, saying he?ll take the stairs in his office building. Driving to work, he speeds 10+ miles over the speed limit, inevitably being pulled over. He tells the police officer that he was just ?keeping up with the flow of traffic.? After receiving his ticket, Nate drives away rationalizing that ?the cop was a jerk.? Nate has begun his morning with many instances of self-handicapping, or making excuses for his behavior. All of the excuses Nate made are examples of self-handicapping. One reason for this ?trick of the mind,? as psychologists call it, is that it ?sets up a win ? win situation by allowing a person to save face when he or she does fail. However, by taking the crippling handicap in the first place, the person is actually more likely to fail at their endeavor. In this paper, we will share about a survey we conducted, yr, self-handicapping, men, [emailprotected], excuses, female, women, making, achievers, nate, work, survey, often, life, being, situation, realizes, questions, question, point, people, over, mistake, failure, fail, excuse, difference, daughter, answered, age

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top Reasons to Use PHP on Your Website

Top Reasons to Use PHP on Your Website Now that you are comfortable using HTML on your website, it is time to tackle PHP, a programming language  you can use to enhance your HTML website.  Why use PHP? Here are some great reasons. Friendly With HTML Anyone who already has a website and is familiar with HTML can easily make the step to PHP. In fact, PHP and HTML are interchangeable within the page. You can put PHP outside the HTML or inside. While PHP adds new features to your site, the basic appearance is still all created with HTML. Read more about using PHP with HTML. Interactive Features PHP allows you to interact with your visitors in ways HTML alone cant. You can use it to design simple email forms or elaborate shopping carts that save past orders and recommend similar products. It can also deliver interactive forums and private messaging systems.   Easy to Learn PHP is a lot easier to get started with than you might think. By learning just a few simple functions, you are able to do a lot of things with your website. Once you know the basics, check out the  wealth of scripts available on the internet that you only need to tweak slightly to fit your needs.   Top-Notch Online Documentation The PHP documentation is the best on the web. Hands down. Every function and method call is documented, and most have tons of examples you can study, along with comments from other users.   Plenty of Blogs There are a lot of great PHP blogs on the internet. Whether you need a question answered or want to rub elbows with PHP expert programmers, there are blogs for you.   Low Cost and Open Source PHP is available online absolutely free. It is accepted globally so you can use it on all website development and design tasks. Compatible With Databases With an extension or abstraction layer, PHP supports a wide range of databases including MySql. It Just Works PHP solves problems easier and faster than almost anything else out there. It is user-friendly, cross-platform and easy to learn. How many more reasons do you need to try PHP on your website? Just  start learning PHP.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Essay Example Through my research, I have found that parochial education is similar in that it combines learning and spirituality. In the University, I plan to share the similarities of Islam and Christianity—â€Å"Diversity of perspectives,† true to the university motto. Deep in tradition the Jesuit education also provides flexibility in its methods of teaching and learning that will allow me to focus on my major as well as pursue new and developing interests. Moreover, I will enjoy contributing in class discussions; membership in clubs and academic groups; and sharing my perspectives with my peers. â€Å"Quality education in our global context† is why I wanted to study in the United States. My skills as a conversationalist, open-minded professional and strong work ethics are what I will bring to the University of San Francisco. Within my community in Riyadh City, I have been involved in outreach programs that helps alleviate poverty. We brought relief to impoverished communities within the city and in Northern Africa and Palestine. Combating poverty through education is one of the traditions of the Jesuit Catholic education and I believe that I could further my civic goals at the University of San Francisco to help assuage poverty by joining community and university programs that focuses on this goal. The Jesuit mission â€Å"to create, communicate and apply knowledge to a world shared by all people and held in trust for future generations† is crucial not just for my personal development but in addressing social problems. One of the University’s missions is striving to use moral guidelines to make choices, to create a sound character, and good lifestyle. University of San Francisco can help me create a life in both the pursuit of knowledge, religion, and moral

Friday, November 1, 2019

Creating Waves of Awareness through Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creating Waves of Awareness through Media - Essay Example In the period around world war, II Adolf Hitler controlled the media (History Learning Site). He used media to propagate his propaganda and thus deny the general public access to timely and accurate information. This was the main reason his regime dominated the society. After this period the media was controlled by the state. During this period there was freedom of speech and protection of public interest. In the late 1980’s media was privatized thus encouraging market contestability. There was state deregulation and the media was left for the affluent individuals who expanded their media empires globally by purchasing more media outlets. This is why our media outlets are now in the hands of few individuals. In modern day world, the media serves as the main source of our information. It is the link between human beings and societies. It is a great place to share your views and get other people’s views and even information. Virtually anything that you need is available can be accessed from the media. As a human, the right to speech and information can never be overemphasized. The average American does not expect the media to leave out any form of information and more so the internet. The major media monopolies seek to exploit this ignorance by trying to control most of the media outlets thus giving them the power to censor content from these media outlets. This will be a drawback to our democracy. Therefore any attempt to censor the content of the media by the cartels is opposed because media affects both general life and political decisions hence they should enable and protect free speech (free press, 2012). The media primary responsibility is to inform the public so as to enable them to make informed decisions (Bruck, 2014). The new media monopoly policies is a threat to this as it involves censoring the content displayed to the public.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

AAFES 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

AAFES 4 - Essay Example US Army and Air Force. Being a company with unique business model, AAFES conduct its advertising in unique way too. AAFES is not to active in using television and other media as active channels for advertising purposes however advertising is being done in direct way through the use of local means of advertising to the soldiers at the bases. Since AAFES is almost also a monopoly therefore advertising is not mostly done in its most conventional means. Sales promotion activities of the firm take place in store i.e. firm displays various sales promotional activities and items in house besides offering sales promotion on its website. The website of the firm provides different sales promotional activities for making a purchase on line. In store sales promotional activities involve displaying of different sales promotional material. Since AAFES is a sort of monopoly therefore it mostly utilizes direct marketing as one of the most important mean of promoting the firm’s products and services. However, this is not on the individual basis however it is done on the basis of the groups of customers i.e. army bases where soldiers are stationed. There is no personal selling done by the firm however it offers an opportunity for personal selling through its website where it offers different services and products customized to the individual needs and demands. Firm maintain good public relation activities which are also evident from the fact that recently it has recalled some of its products especially toys because of toxic issues in them. Public relations at the firm are also done through the issuance of a magazine The Exchange Post; through which firm tends to provide information about latest development at the firm. While analyzing the promotional mix of the firm, it is important to consider the unique business model and structure which it follow. It is a sort of monopoly which serves a very specialized and scattered target

Monday, October 28, 2019

Roles of Computer in Education Essay Example for Free

Roles of Computer in Education Essay There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers. The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability. Though expert systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning process. In my opinion; what can be expected, is a change of the teachers’ role but not their disappearance from the classroom. Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a kid. This, accompanied with the relaxing attitude and software interactivity, usually conduce to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational level; the availability of digital books, simulator and other academic materials, provide the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand. But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need of human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a human being to be able to determine what the specific needs of each individual are. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is. As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They have to be open minded to the changes that are taking place, keep updated and serve as a problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the facts for themselves. To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will play an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter how complex computers become, there will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way how this interaction takes place.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Portable Head CT Scan and its Effect on Intracranial Pressure (ICP), Ce

A portable Computed Tomography (CT) is used to manage and diagnose CNS diseases, and acute brain injuries, in the Neuroscience ICU (NICU), for example, Traumatic Brain Injuries(TBI), acute strokes, (transient ischemic attack) TIA’s, and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). CT studies are an important component in the assessment and management of patients with brain injuries. The portable device is designed specifically for head and neck scans for critically ill patients that are at risk for complications and increased morbidity during intrahospital transportation. Researchers have studied and found evidence that substantiates that intrahospital transport of patients with SAH or brain injuries can affect their outcomes. Many hospital protocols dictate the use of portable head CT (pHCT) scanners to monitor and assess critically ill patients in the NICU, to decrease negative effects of intrahospital transportation on patient outcomes. This is an important factor in reduction and pre vention secondary injuries in critically ill patients. The intention of this paper is to conduct a critical analysis of a related research article. The article reviewed is Portable Head CT Scan and its Effect on Intracranial Pressure (ICP), Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP), and Brain Oxygen. First, there will be an identification of the premise of the study through an article synopsis. Second, validity of the study will be described and discussed. Lastly, this paper will discuss how this research is applicable to Neuro ICU at UNM Hospital. Article Synopsis: The authors of this research article were from the Departments of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Anesthesiology & Critical Care, Nursing, and Biostatistics & Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania... ... The research conducted by Peace raises a valid hypothesis that warrants further study in order to decrease the risks to patients on NICU and other units, in all hospitals. Studies with significant reliability data, high internal and external validity, are imperative in making changes in hospitals around the world to decrease secondary injury to patient populations and increasing their chances of full recovery from their injuries. Although, this particular study resulted in preliminary data, similar protocols found in this study are implemented by the UNM NICU. Works Cited Peace, K., Maloney-Wilensky, E., Frangos, S., Hujcs, M., Levine, J., Kofke, W.A., Yang, W., & Le Roux, P.D. (2011). Portable head CT scan and its effect on intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, and brain oxygen. Journal of Neurosurgery, 114(5), 1479-1484.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Annotated Biblography Essay

Kristen E. Van Vonderen, M. S. , William Kinnally, Ph. D. (2012), â€Å"Media Effects on Body Image: Examining Media Exposure in the Broader Context of Internal and Other Social Factors†. Volume 14, Issue 2. 41-57. American Communication Journal. Summary: Vonderson and Kinnally’s article discusses the influence media has on women today and the way they see themselves. Being â€Å"overweight† has such negative stigmatism to it that women who are considered to be overweigh feel as though they are unlovable or unsuccessful because they don’t look like the women in magazines. They touch on the subject of the influence from parents and peers. Parents who comment on their child’s physical appearance convey body image norms that could lead to negative association with body shape. In the article they also talk about internal influences such as self-esteem and how, in part, it is a reflection of the opinion others hold of you. Analysis: Vonderson and Kinnally’s approach to informing us about how women are portrayed in magazines is both informative and surprising. I, myself being a young women was more than aware of the issue with body image and the media. I personally have thought less of myself after looking through a magazine or watching a movie because of how thin and beautiful those women are. But I was not aware of the many causes that influence women into thinking so negatively. Reflection: This particular article was very informative and helpful towards my research paper topic because it was exactly what I am writing about. Going into this project, I thought I knew quite a bit of information on this topic, but now reading these articles I realize that there is much more to the influence media has on women than I had imagined. Gemma Lopez- Guimera, Micheal P. Levine, David Sanchez-Carracedo, Jordi Fauquet. (2010),† Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disordered Attitudes and Behavior in Females: A Review of Effects and Processes†. Media Psychology, 13:387– 416. Print Summary: This article reviews research on the effects of television and magazines on body image and on disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in females. Evidence from different types of studies in the fields of eating disorders, media psychology, health psychology, and mass communication indicates that mass media are an extremely important source of information and reinforcement in relation to the nature of the thin beauty ideal, its importance, and how to attain it. Although considerable research remains to be done, evidence is accumulating that repeated exposure to media and to both direct and indirect (via media’s effects on peers, parents, coaches, physicians, etc. ) pressures from media to be thin constitute risk factors for body dissatisfaction, concerns over weight and disordered eating behaviors in adolescent girls and young women. Analysis: I found this article to be both credible and reliable mainly on the fact that it’s research was conducted professionally. The multiple authors of this article are credible because they are head departments of psychology, clinical and health psychology, psychobiology, and methodology of health sciences all from admirable universities all over the world. Reflection: This article help shapes the arguments in my research paper. My research paper is on the topic of mass media and its influence on society and with an article that focuses just on the female aspect of it, it will really help my arguments. So, J. and Nabi, R. (2013), Reduction of Perceived Social Distance as an Explanation for Media’s Influence on Personal Risk Perceptions: A Test of the Risk Convergence Model. Human Communication Research, 39: 317–338. Print Summary: The aim of this study was to develop the Perceived Parental Media Mediation Scale (PPMMS). in an initial test of this model, 500 undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara, participated in an experiment. Participants were exposed to entertainment clips that either portrayed a main character who is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease or thinks he/she might have caught an STD and gets scared of testing for it. Overall, the risk convergence model received solid support from the data, with all paths emerging as significant except for the link between perceived realism and social distance. Reduction of social distance completely mediated the relationship between identification, transportation and personal risk perceptions, thus suggesting social distance as a valid causal mechanism of the process involving the two variables. Analysis: This article is credible because studies were conducted at multiple universities such as University of Georgia and UC Santa Barbara by experts in the Department of Communications. I found this article to be non biased based on the fact that they had conducted numerous experiments and tests on a large number of students and still found that their risk perception was influenced by the media. Reflection: I found this article to be very helpful with my research paper, being that it was a rather long article with more than enough information explaining medias influence on personal risk perception.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Has Technology Affected Global Business Essay

Before the arrival of the era of the technology, business was done very inside the four walls of the office. Technology advancement is responsible for today’s noticeable changes in the field of business, mainly in international business. Nowadays, almost every home and office is equipped with computers that are connected to the Internet. Most businesses are conducted over personal computers or other communication devices such as handheld devices. It has become easier to access information and learn about developing economic trends and problems as well as gather data on foreign exchange market, cultures and policies. The advancement of technology has also made it easier for businesses to deal with foreign investments. Furthermore, technology has changed the way we deal with business matters. The internet has become a very useful tool for international companies. Other than that, Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) stated that â€Å"computers allow organizations of all types and sizes, locally and internationally, to speed transactions and improve decision making. Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) also suggested that from small retailers to the big international firms, technology is an important tool for everyday operation whether it is for inventory checking, sales transaction making, ordering goods or analyzing customer preferences. With internet, video conferencing can be used by both parties to see each other virtually on TV or computer screen. For example, in Malaysia we can have a conversation with a raw material supplier in China and a manufacturer from Taiwan. By using the internet, companies across the world can perform research and socialize with partners and suppliers better. This will eventually lead us to having a better relationship with international suppliers and customers. Next, the existence of technology has also caused improvement in the field of the media in the means of communication. Anyone can easily access data of a specific foreign company with the help of media such as internet, radio, newspaper and magazines. Increased media capabilities can help international businesses improve their productivity through media’s various means of reaching out to public. Once a company’s productivity level increases, profits can also scale up. Other than that, with computers, we can now store dense databases, personal schedules and other important information in the computer without having to store the old and dusty piles of papers and files in the office. Accessibility of files also has become an easy task with series of password keys and shared folders. Cash transactions are easily made, delay in reduced hence giving liquidity to business. In order to save time and effort, we can also now use accounting software such as UBS to record and process accounting transactions. The shipment of raw materials and finished products is very important to any business, but mostly for those with an international scope. Technology of transportation enables a company on one continent to send its raw materials or products to another company in a different continent. Technological advancements in airplanes, cargo ships and railways allow for quicker, cheaper delivery, which impacts business by making global distribution more feasible. Technology has helped in customer service, huge corporations such as Apply and Microsoft attend to customer needs through email and chat services. Networking internal and external in organizations has improved the working of businesses. Staffs and clients likewise can get in touch with the managers for feedback, progress reports and extensions. It is definitely more convenient for customers as they do not need to trouble themselves to walk into a company that they want to complain or need help from.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

USS Virginia (BB-13) in the Great White Fleet

USS Virginia (BB-13) in the Great White Fleet USS Virginia (BB-13) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Battleship Shipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock Company Laid Down: May 21, 1902 Launched: April 6, 1904 Commissioned: May 7, 1906 Fate: Sunk as a target on September 1923 USS Virginia (BB-13) - Specifications: Displacement: 14,980 tons Length: 441 ft., 3 in. Beam: 76 ft., 3 in. Draft: 23.8 ft. Propulsion: 12 Ãâ€" Babcock boilers, 2 Ãâ€" triple-expansion engines, 2 Ãâ€" propellers Speed: 19 knots Complement: 916 men Armament: 4 Ãâ€" 12 in./40 cal guns8 Ãâ€" 8 in./45 cal guns12 Ãâ€" 6-inch guns12 Ãâ€" 3-inch guns24 Ãâ€" 1 pdr guns4 Ãâ€" 0.30 in. machine guns4 Ãâ€" 21 in. torpedo tubes USS Virginia (BB-13) - Design Construction: Laid down in 1901 and 1902, the five battleships of the Virginia-class were meant as a follow-on the Maine-class (USS Maine, USS Missouri, and USS Ohio) which was then entering service. Though intended to be the US Navys latest design, the new battleships saw a return to some features that had not been incorporated since the earlier Kearsarge-class (USS Kearsarge and USS ). These included the mounting of 8-in. guns as a secondary armament and the placing of two 8-in. turrets on top of the vessels 12-in. turrets. Supporting the Virginia-class main battery of four 12 in. guns were eight 8-in., twelve 6-in., twelve 3-in., and twenty-four 1-pdr guns. In a change from previous classes of battleships, the new type utilized Krupp armor instead of the Harvey armor that had been placed on earlier vessels. Power for the Virginia-class came from twelve Babcock boilers which drove two vertical inverted triple expansion reciprocating steam engines. The lead ship of the class, USS Virginia (BB-13) was laid down at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company on May 21, 1902. Work on the hull proceeded over the next two years and on April 6, 1904, it slid down the ways with Gay Montague, daughter of Virginia Governor Andrew J. Montague, serving as sponsor. A further two years passed before work on Virginia ended. Commissioned on May 7, 1906, Captain Seaton Schroeder assumed command. The battleships design differed slightly from its subsequent sisters in that its two propellers turned inward rather than outward. This experimental configuration was intended to improve steering by increasing prop wash on the rudder. USS Virginia (BB-13) - Early Service: After fitting out, Virginia departed Norfolk for its shakedown cruise. This saw it operate in the Chesapeake Bay before steaming north for maneuvers near Long Island and Rhode Island. Following trials off Rockland, ME, Virginia anchored off Oyster Bay, NY on September 2 for an inspection by President Theodore Roosevelt. Taking coal at Bradford, RI, the battleship moved south to Cuba later in the month to protect American interests in Havana during a revolt against the regime of President T. Estrada Palma. Arriving on September 21, Virginia remained in Cuban waters for a month before returning to Norfolk. Moving north to New York, the battleship entered drydock to have its bottom painted. With the completion of this work, Virginia steamed south to Norfolk to receive a series of modifications. En route, the battleship sustained minor damage when it collided with the steamer Monroe. The accident occurred when the steamer was pulled towards Virginia by the inward action of the battleships propellers. Leaving the yard in February 1907, the battleship installed new fire control equipment at New York before joining the Atlantic Fleet at Guantanamo Bay. Conducting target practice with the fleet, Virginia then steamed north to Hampton Roads to take part in the Jamestown Exposition in April. The remainder of the year was spent conducting routine operations and maintenance on the East Coast. USS Virginia (BB-13) - Great White Fleet: In 1906, Roosevelt became increasingly concerned about the US Navys lack of strength in the Pacific due to the growing threat posed by Japan. To impress upon the Japanese that the United States could easily move its main battle fleet to the Pacific, he began planning a world cruise of the nations battleships. Designated the Great White Fleet, Virginia, still commanded by Schroeder, was assigned to the forces Second Division, First Squadron. This group also contained its sister ships USS Georgia (BB-15), USS (BB-16), and USS (BB-17). Leaving Hampton Roads on December 16, 1907, the fleet turned south making visits in Brazil before passing through the Straits of Magellan. Steaming north, the fleet, led by Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, arrived at San Diego on April 14, 1908. Briefly stopping in California, Virginia and the rest of the fleet then transited the Pacific to Hawaii before reaching New Zealand and Australia in August. After taking part in elaborate and festive port calls, the fleet steamed north to the Philippines, Japan, and China. Completing visits in these countries, the American battleships crossed the Indian Ocean before passing through the Suez Canal and entering the Mediterranean. Here the fleet parted to show the flag in several ports. Sailing north, Virginia made a visit to Smyrna, Turkey before the fleet rendezvoused at Gibraltar. Crossing the Atlantic, the fleet arrived at Hampton Roads on February 22 where it was met by Roosevelt. Four days later, Virginia entered the yard at Norfolk for four months of repairs. USS Virginia (BB-13) - Later Operations: While at Norfolk, Virginia received a forward cage mast. Leaving the yard on June 26, the battleship spent the summer on the East Coast before departing for Brest, France and Gravesend, United Kingdom in November. Returning from this excursion it rejoined the Atlantic Fleet at Guantanamo Bay for winter maneuvers in the Caribbean. Undergoing repairs at Boston from April to May, 1910, Virginia had a second cage mast installed aft. The next three years saw the battleship continue to operate with the Atlantic Fleet. As tensions with Mexico increased, Virginia spent an increasing amount of time in the vicinity of Tampico and Veracruz. In May 1914, the battleship arrived at Veracruz to support the US occupation of the city. Remaining on this station until October, it then spent two years in routine duty on the East Coast. On March 20, 1916, Virginia entered reserve status at Boston Navy Yard and commenced a significant overhaul. Though still in the yard when the US entered World War I in April 1917, Virginia played an early role in the conflict when boarding parties from the battleship seized several German merchant ships that were in the Port of Boston. With the completion of the overhaul on August 27, the battleship departed for Port Jefferson, NY where it joined the 3rd Division, Battleship Force, Atlantic Fleet. Operating between Port Jefferson and Norfolk, Virginia served as a gunnery training ship for much of the next year. After a brief overhaul in the fall of 1918, it commenced duty as a convoy escort that October. Virginia was preparing for its second escort mission in early November when word arrived that the war was over. Converted to a temporary troopship, Virginia sailed on the first of five voyages to Europe to return American troops home in December. Completing these missions in June 1919, it was decommissioned at Boston the following year on August 13. Struck from the Navy List two years later, Virginia and New Jersey were transferred to the War Department August 6, 1923 for use as bombing targets. On September 5, Virginia was placed offshore near Cape Hatteras where it came under attack by Army Air Service Martin MB bombers. Struck by a 1,100 lb. bomb, the old battleship sunk a short time later. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Virginia (BB-13)NHHC: USS Virginia (BB-13)NavSource: USS Virginia (BB-13)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chicago Race Riot 1919 Essays - Red Summer, Chicago Race Riot

Chicago Race Riot 1919 Essays - Red Summer, Chicago Race Riot Dr. Edmund F. Wehrle His-2020G Chicago Race Riot 1919 On July 27, 1919, a young black man named Eugene Williams swam past an invisible line of segregation at a popular public beach on Lake Michigan, Chicago. He was stoned by several white bystanders, knocked unconscious and drowned, and his death set off one of the bloodiest riots in Chicagos history. The Chicago race riot was not the result of the incident alone. Several factors, including the economic, social and political differences between blacks and whites, the post-war atmosphere and the thinking of race relations in 1919, combined to make Chicago a prime target for this event. Although the riot was a catalyst for several short-term solutions to the racial tensions, it did little to improve race relations in the long run. It was many years before the nation truly addressed the underlying conflicts that sparked the riot of 1919. There is some history that explains why the incident on that Chicago beach escalated to the point where 23 blacks and 15 whites were killed, 500 more were injured and 1,000 blacks were left homeless. When the local police were summoned to the scene, they refused to arrest the white man identified as the one who instigated the attack. It was generally acknowledged that the state should look the other way as long as private violence stayed at a low level. This police indifference, viewed by most blacks as racial bias, played a major role in enraging the black population. In the wake of the Chicago riot, several efforts were made to strengthen Chicagos police power to effectively suppress future riots, make police power more neutral between the races, and allow the Federal government to acquire police powers by way of an anti-lynching law. The aim was to bring a more powerful and neutral force into local situations, but the effect was to concentrate the emphasis on maintaining law and order rather than correcting the conditions that caused the riot. Many Americans felt it was more important to ensure that violence on the scale of the Chicago riot never recur rather than deal with the root causes of racial conflict. The violence of the 1919 riot shocked and divided many Americans. There were those who believed it was necessary to eliminate racial inequalities in order to prevent racial conflicts and those who believed it was necessary to create or maintain a racial ladder in which each race would know and accept its place. It was the latter group that sought rules against the use of violence and focused on the accommodation of society to immediate conflicts rather than long-term solutions, such as restructuring society to reduce the level of racial tension. In the United States, the historical pattern of interracial violence, fear and distrust is a result of a class system which recognized white dominance and black inferiority and subordination. This social system was frustrating to the blacks who wished to rise from their subservient status while the white man had to employ force in order to maintain his position of social superiority. Add to this frustration what sociologists refer to as social distance, where fear, hate and ignorance block people from getting to know each other, and it is no surprise that racial tensions were high prior to the riot in Chicago. One of the most frightening aspects of the Chicago riot in the eyes of the white population was the fact that rather than accept the invisible line in Lake Michigan or police indifference, blacks actually fought back. For white Americans who had become accustomed to Negro complacency, this posed a tremendous threat. It was an important moment in black history. These heightened mixed-race fears and suspicions went beyond the personal level. Following the Chicago riot, many Americans came to believe that democracy itself was becoming endangered by black militancy. They believed that a challenge to white supremacy was a radical opposition to the government. Following the riot, white supremacists jumped to the conclusion that radical influences had encouraged Negroes to take up arms. Mayor William Hale Thompson, often accused of being a nigger lover, refused to draw the color line and consequently could claim the Black Belt as his area of strongest

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Does College Athletic Recruiting Work The Complete Process

How Does College Athletic Recruiting Work The Complete Process SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you are a high school athlete who aspires to compete in college sports, you should know about the college athletic recruiting process. Even if you don’t end up getting a scholarship, many intercollegiate athletes who don’t receive aid are still recruited to participate in sports at the collegiate level. The college recruiting process can be confusing. There are tons of recruiting rules that vary by division and the process for each prospective student-athlete can be extremely different. In this article, I’ll explain the various steps of the college recruiting process. I’ll provide important advice for prospective student-athletes so that you’re able to reach your collegiate and athletic goals. The Biggest Steps in the College Recruiting Process Making Contact With Coaches: Generally, for most student-athletes, the process really begins when you have your first conversation with a college coach about possibly playing for him or her. Campus Visits: One of the many benefits of being a recruited athlete is having the opportunity to visit multiple college campuses and have all your questions about athletics and academics answered. There are two types of visits: official and unofficial. On official campus visits, your transportation to the college, meals, and entertainment are paid for by the university. Visits From Coaches:College coaches can visit you at school, practice, a game, or in your home when they're recruiting you. Coaches use these visits to evaluate you and to try to sell their program to you. Scholarship Offers:For most student-athletes, the scholarship offer comes near the end of the recruiting process. Typically, a coach will call you to extend an offer of athletic aid. Depending on the sport you play and the college that is recruiting you, you can be offered a full or partial athletic scholarship. Signing the National Letter of Intent: Signing a letter of intent marks the end of the college athletic recruiting process. The letter is an agreement that you will enroll in a certain school in exchange for athletic aid. At this point, coaches have to stop recruiting you, and if any coaches contact you, you have to let them know you've signed a letter of intent. Now that you have a basic understanding of these steps, I'm going to walk you through the entire college athletic recruiting process. Keep in mind that the process and timeline will be somewhat different for each individual athlete. For example, some recruited student-athletes don't apply to a college until after they have taken an official campus visit. Others have already applied, been accepted, and have received a scholarship offer by the time they go on their official visit. Parts of the Process Can Vary Widely Depending on your sport and how heavily you're being recruited, the college athletic recruiting process can vary widely. Top level recruits, especially in the high profile sports of football and men's basketball, will be sent tons of letters, receive tons of phone calls, and may be offered athletic scholarships before they even enter high school. They won't have to take much initiative in their recruiting process. For recruits who are not as well-known nationally, they will have to be more proactive in the recruiting process, and they'll often have to sell themselves to college coaches to get a scholarship or a guaranteed spot on a team. Additionally, the sport you play also has a huge influence on the process. In some sports, there are literally over a thousand colleges with a team in that sport. If you're being recruited in one of those sports, you want to know what you’re looking for in a school and narrow down your college list early in the process to avoid being overwhelmed. For other sports, your options are already limited based on the number of colleges with that sport. I was a gymnast in college, and currently, there are only 16 NCAA men's gymnastics programs. When I was looking at colleges, there were a few more than that, but I had a much easier time narrowing down my college options than most simply because I knew I wanted to compete for an NCAA gymnastics team. Honestly Assessing Your Abilities and Aspirations By your junior year, if you’re interested in participating in varsity intercollegiate sports, you should start figuring out what type of school you want to attend. What division would best suit your interests and abilities? What are your athletic priorities? Getting a scholarship? Getting playing time? Competing against the best competition? Playing for a certain coach? Fitting in with the other personalities on the team? Having access to the best resources? What are you looking for in a college outside of sports? Once you know what you want, the recruiting process will become much easier. Then, as you start looking at each school individually, you can determine if it matches what you're looking for. Don't be afraid to ask questions to coaches, current team members, academic advisers, and admissions representatives to get the information you need to make your college decision. However, if you're being recruited, especially if you're a top recruit, college representatives may only tell you what they think you want to hear. Do your own research as well. Have Your High School Coach Work For You Talk with your high school coach during your junior year. Ask for his or her honest assessment of your ability to play college-level sports. See what he or she would be willing to do and could do to help with the recruiting process. Many high school coaches have relationships with college coaches and can help start the recruiting process for you. Also, if there are specific schools you're interested in, see if your high school coach can reach out to the coaches at those colleges. How and When College Coaches Can Initiate Contact With You The rules vary by sport and division, but the general rule is that college coaches can’t talk to you before the end of your junior year. However, many schools will send you information via mail as soon as you’re on their radar. If you receive a recruiting questionnaire and you have any interest in that school, make sure you fill it out and send it back. If you’re a priority recruit, the coach will call you in the spring of your junior year or the summer before your senior year. July 1st before your senior year is the date when coaches can initiate contact for most sports for Division I colleges. Once college coaches are permitted to talk to you, the general rule is that they're allowed to contact you once per week. Keep in mind that just because you get mail or a phone call from a coach doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get a scholarship offer. Initiating Contact With Coaches Most student-athletes will have to initiate contact with coaches if they want a scholarship or want to participate in intercollegiate athletics. I highly recommend that you take a proactive approach to your recruiting process. When To Contact Coaches There is no exact right time to contact college coaches, but the general rule is that earlier is better. Typically, prospective athletes will contact coaches during their junior years or the summer before their senior years. Even though there are rules regarding when and how much a coach can contact you, there are no rules stopping you from contacting a coach whenever and however often you deem necessary. Use your discretion, though. If a coach is not responding to you, don’t continue contacting him or her. How to Contact Coaches The most common way to initiate contact with a coach is through e-mail. Your initial e-mail should express your interest in the school along with key information about you: your academic accomplishments, your athletic accomplishments, including awards, stats, and experience, and any attributes that would make you a good fit for that school or team. Additionally, the e-mail should contain a link to a video. The video should be relatively short, only a couple of minutes long. Show highlights from games and possibly practices that demonstrate your athletic abilities and readiness to participate on the collegiate level. If you do a team sport, make sure it’s clear who you are in the video. Also, have a full game tape ready, in case one of the coaches requests it. Feel free to a call a coach to express your interest. Even though it may be hard to get a coach on the phone if you're not already on his or her recruiting radar, you can always try or leave a message. Ask what the coach needs from you to be considered for a scholarship or a spot on the team. Furthermore, you can make a profile on a recruiting website. Examples of recruiting websites include BeRecruited, NCSA, and CaptainU. Some of their services are free and some require you to pay. The recruiting websites make sure you’re sending the right information to coaches, and they can provide you with contact information for college coaches. While these websites can be rather helpful, they’re not essential. Make sure you're contacting college coaches. Camps Some sports and schools offer summer camps that the coaches attend. These camps can provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your athletic abilities to the coaches. Some of these camps are open and some are by invite only. The effectiveness of camps in helping you get recruited varies widely by school and sport. Some camps are just designed to make money and some are actually used by coaches to evaluate prospective student-athletes. Make sure that you research a camp before you or your parents spend money to attend. Applying Generally, the application process is the same for student athletes and non-student athletes. The main difference is that depending on the sport and how heavily you’re being recruited, you may be encouraged to apply early. And, your application may be processed sooner. Often, recruited athletes will learn of admissions decisions before the rest of the admitted students. Also, for recruits, your application may have some identifying marker indicating that you’re a recruited athlete. That’s so the admissions committee knows you're a recruit, and while it helps, it’s no guarantee of admission. Typically, the admissions committee will be alerted to how heavily you’re being recruited as well. During my recruiting process, for a couple of the schools that were recruiting me, I didn’t have to write a personal essay. Back in my high school days, I was rather happy to get out of writing those essays. For Stanford, my alma mater, I had to complete the same application as the rest of the students, though. Now I'm having flashbacks to writing my personal esssays. Good times. Campus Visits Once you get past the mail and the phone calls, the next step is to visit the campus. At this point, you may or may not have already been admitted to the college. There are two types of visits: unofficial visits and official visits. Unofficial Campus Visits An unofficial visit is one that you pay for yourself. What the coach plans for you on your trip often depends on how heavily you’re being recruited. Sometimes the coach will just speak with you briefly and then you’re on your own. For unofficial visits, schools can’t provide money for meals, transportation, or entertainment. However, you can receive up to three free game tickets. That's a pretty nice benefit, especially if you play a sport where game tickets are hard to come by. You can take an unlimited amount of unofficial visits and take them at almost any time, except during so-called â€Å"dead† periods when coaches can’t have contact with prospective student-athletes. Make sure to clear any unofficial visits with coaches before you make them. Feel free to ask a coach about taking an unofficial visit, regardless of how much contact you’ve had with the coach or if the coach has been recruiting you. Official Campus Visits For official campus visits, the trip is paid for by the school. Transportation, meals, and entertainment are covered for the prospective student-athlete. Official visits can last no more than 48 hours. NCAA rules dictate that you’re allowed five official visits and no more than one per school for Division I schools, but you can take an unlimited number of official visits to Division II schools. You can start taking official visits beginning on your first day of classes during your senior year of high school. If you attend junior college or do not enroll in a college after graduation, you can take an additional five Division I official visits starting October 15th following your senior year of high school. Before any official visit, though, you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and submit your ACT or SAT test score and high school transcript to the school you plan to visit. Sometimes scholarship offers will be made before official trips, and sometimes they’ll be made after. If you’re offered an official visit, you're definitely a top candidate for a scholarship. Also, even though Ivy League schools do not offer athletic scholarships, they do offer official visits. If you have the opportunity, I strongly recommend that you take official campus visits. On your official visit, you may be given the opportunity to watch practices, attend games, tour the campus, speak to academic advisers, sit in on classes, and hang out with the members of the team. I thoroughly enjoyed my official campus visits. Just to give you an idea of how much campus visits can vary, I'll describe a couple of mine to you. When I went on my recruiting trip to the University of Illinois, I was put up in a hotel suite and taken to a fancy Japanese restaurant. I had a scheduled meeting with an academic adviser and I was taken on a tour of the campus by an official campus tour guide. A few weeks later, I went on a recruiting trip to Temple University. On that trip, I stayed on the couch in one of the team member's apartments and ate cereal for most of my meals while I was there. I got a driving tour of the campus from the coach and there was no meeting with an academic advisor. However, I did get to see the Liberty Bell and eat an authentic Philly cheesesteak sandwich. I enjoyed my Temple trip, but it differed greatly from my Illinois trip. Illinois was just a more well-funded program and had a larger recruiting budget. Unfortunately, Temple dropped its NCAA men's gymnastics team in 2014 and is now continuing as a club sport. I got to experience life as a college student at Temple for 48 hours. Visits From Coaches Sometimes coaches will visit you at your school, in your home, or at one of your practices or games. There are rules that dictate when coaches can visit you. Typically, a coach will visit either to evaluate you or because you’re a top recruit and he or she is trying to sell you and your family on the school. Sometimes it’s a combination of both. If a coach is visiting you, it’s definitely a good sign about your prospects of receiving a scholarship or offer of admission. Scholarship Offers Usually after conversations with coaches and campus visits, a coach will extend a scholarship offer. Scholarships can be full (covering the full cost of attendance) or partial. Remember that you don’t have to accept or decline the offer right away. You should take your time to think about your options; choosing where you go to college is a big decision that you shouldn't make hastily. Also, even if you verbally accept an offer, the verbal agreement isn’t binding. You can change your mind up until you sign your scholarship offer. Additionally, for many sports, you won't receive a scholarship offer until you gain admission to the university. Again, this can vary depending on the sport, school, and how heavily you're being recruited. Typically, the coach will continue to contact you throughout the whole recruiting process and after a scholarship offer is extended. Your recruitment is not done until you have signed your National Letter of Intent. There are early and late signing dates that you have to sign by that vary depending on your sport. National Letter of Intent The National Letter of Intent is a binding agreement that says you will enroll at a specific school for the next academic year in exchange for athletic aid. Normally, you'll have to sign the NLI along with a scholarship offer from the school. If you don’t follow the terms of the agreement and enroll in the school, you’ll generally have to sit out a year of competition if you go to a different school and you’ll lose a year of eligibility. Almost always, the school won't issue you a formal scholarship offer and NLI until after you've been accepted to the university. However, there are instances where a school has to rescind its acceptance if you fail a class or end up not meeting certain requirements of the university. If you don't gain admission to the school, you'll be released from the agreement. Additional Advice for Prospective Student-Athletes Focus on Your Academics Many prospective student-athletes neglect the importance of academics in the recruiting process. Not only do you have to be eligible to compete, but also you still have to gain admission to the school. College coaches often won't recruit students who they don't think are qualified academically for their schools, regardless of these students' athletic skills. If you’re being recruited athletically, you will receive some preferential treatment when your application is processed, but the school still has to determine if your academics are good enough to be accepted. Especially at top academic colleges, your academics should be on par with non-student athletes if you want to have a legitimate shot at admission. The amount of preferential treatment you receive in the admissions process varies depending on the school, your sport, and how heavily you're being recruited. Especially for so-called â€Å"minor† sports (anything other than basketball and football at most schools), being recruited may only give you a minimal boost in the admissions process. Do Everything Earlier For recruited athletes, the timeline for when you should do things to prepare for college is sooner than for other students. You should start studying for your ACT or SAT by your sophomore year. You should have reached your SAT or ACT target score by the end of your junior year. Remember that college coaches won’t want to spend time recruiting you if they don’t think you’ll be admitted. Also, you should be able to show coaches that you’ve taken college prep classes, passed AP tests, and have good standardized test scores before the start of your senior year. Furthermore, you should narrow down your college list by the end of your junior year so you know which coaches to contact. Don’t wait until the second semester of your senior year to start sending out e-mails. It will be too late by then. Colleges will likely have offered their scholarships and filled their open spots by then. Be prepared to complete your college applications early. Depending on your sport and recruit status, you may have to complete multiple college applications in the early part of your senior year, months before many of your peers. Research the Schools You're Considering Regardless of whether you've started the recruiting process or not, you should research the colleges you think you may want to attend. For each of these schools, learn about the campus, the majors offered, the athletics facilities, and any other information that you think may be relevant in making your college decision. Also, most college websites will have information specifically for prospective student-athletes. This information will provide specific rules regarding recruiting and there may be information regarding the recruiting process for that school. Often, you’ll be able to fill out a recruiting questionnaire directly from the website. Make Sure You're Eligible All NCAA athletes have to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center . You’ll have to send in your transcript and SAT/ACT scores. What's Next? If you're looking to compete at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics, review the list of NCAA Division I schools. If you want to research colleges, use the best college search websites. Also, I recommend you check out this post on how to get into your top-choice college. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: